Sunday, May 28, 2023

Cool Dragon Cups!!

 Good morning all you wonderful people!!! 

Today I will show you some Dragon cups and what I am doing!

First...   this is a couple of Dragon cups which I have:

Aren't they cool??!!

Yesterday my daughter-in-law went to the pottery to paint.  I took a Dragon cup which I had purchased there and have been working on.  I think I finally got the dragon finished!   

The next time I go back there I will be painting the cup itself black,  as these two are.   Then I'll fire it. When I have it at home I will take a picture of the 'finished' cup and show it to you.  I probably should have waited to make this Blog until that was done so I would have it to show now but I'm too excited to wait!! LOL

Okay...   here is the cup I've been working on.....

When he gets fired he will be so pretty!!  Can't wait to get him finished and bring him back home!

They have some other cups with Dragons on them in various positions  which I plan on buying and painting. It will make for a really cool collection.  Maybe I can get rid of all my OTHER  collections of cups and just use these!   

I hope that won't cause me any pain!...  can't you just see a little dragon slipping up out of the coffee and nipping me on the tongue!!!... Ouch!!...  LOL

Eventually I think they will make a cool collection. When I next show you a picture of the finished cup,  I will take pictures of their other Dragon cups and show them to you in that Blog.

See you all....

                            NEXT  TIME!!!



  1. Ooooh, those mugs are. So. Darn. COOL! 🀩🀩🀩
    Drinking out of those must instantly make you feel like a never-defeated warrior sitting atop a throne of bones, the rightful ruler of nearby harsh lands and a sight to behold on the battlefield! ☠️😁

    And oooh, that pottery dragon mug of yours looks delightful!! 🀩πŸ₯°
    You chose the colours well, it looks soft and lively at the same time 😊😁
    Am very curious about what other dragon mugs they offer, do keep us posted as your collection shall grow! 😁

    Honestly, at this point, you will have to get a proper tomb or a mausoleum made for yourself once you decide to leave us all for good (hopefully very very far in the future shall it be!!), because I can just see these mugs standing on stone shelves, glittering softly in the torchlight!
    (Might have to check that with the fire department first, though, they get overly anxious about open flames sometimes 😜😁)

    It's great that you create things by hand, still 😊

    And you actually reminded me of a candle holder I made many, many years ago at a summer kids' camp or other: it was in the shape of a blue clay dragon - but to be honest, judging by its anatomy, it would not survive in the wild for very long 😝😝
    It was a gift for my mom, back then, though I don't remember where it ended up, haha.
    Hmm, that almost makes me wonder whether there are any pottery classes in my vicinity. Could try to recreate that thing with more shapely curves and logically placed wings! 😜😁
    (But where to find the tiiiiiime.... πŸ˜…)

    Ah, little me tried her best. She made it with love, though it lacked proper craftsmanship! 😜

    Can't wait to see what your green dragon shall look like once it's passed its trial by fire! 😊😁

    Have a lovely day! 🐲

  2. I think he's going to be very cool once he's passed his trial by fire!! LOL
    I'm glad this made you remember and think about something long ago! Mom's always love our gifts, whatever they are or however we make them. It's a Mom thing!! :)
    On the subject of placing some dragons in my 'tomb'.... afraid I wouldn't do that!! LOL (Religious reasons).
    Yes, you'd have to have 'time' to go somewhere and sit and paint... just one of the little joys of being old, retired, and nothing to do but whatever I want to!!! LOL
    I can hardly wait until my dragon is 'FIRED', also when I get to take pictures of the others there that I want to paint!!

  3. Ana Mind The CornerMay 28, 2023 at 2:16 PM

    Hey look at that! I can comment now! It worked! :)

    I'm loving your handmade dragon cup. It will look great in black! Makes me want to go back to doing some pottery lol.

    Have a good week, Grandma! <3

  4. It's so much fun! Can't wait to show the others there in the shop that I'll paint.
    Hey, glad you finally got here... I had to go into settings and click one thing! LOL

  5. Those dragon cups are rad! I wish I could get one myself, they look really cool. Very nice artwork.

    1. Hey Rlancs!
      You got a pottery shop near you? I'm sure you'll find dragon cups. You should try it.. fun to drink out of!! Fun to paint!!

  6. Hi!
    I've always found pottery very exciting, tho my only experience with it comes down to a couple times at summer camps many years ago. There's something very special with creating art with your own hands.
    Your dragon looks wonderful. Can't wait to see the final result and the other cups. If you're taking suggestions, a dark purple would look really cool.

    1. Hi!! I remember when I was waaaaaay younger I was making ashtrays! lol I still have one and it sits on my bookshelf .. where I always drop my keys when I come inside! lol
      Well, not taking suggestions because I had already determined to make the cup black. I'm sure I will have a purple dragon along the way! :)

  7. I love the colors you chose for the dragon cup you're painting! It will look so cool once it's fired. I look forward to seeing it done.

    Hopefully all of the dragons n migs will behave themselves and not bite! 😁

    1. Thank you! All the colors always look so pale until the piece is fired, but the chip above the shelves of each bottle of paint shows what the color looks like after firing and it's going to be so cool!!!... I hope!!!! LOL Well, I don't think they will bite because they know I'm taking them home and that they will be in a cool place and all together with one another!! lol

  8. Looking forward to seeing your finished cup! My favourite cups are all flower and mushroom themed. I have a favourite for each time of the day :D

    1. Hi Linden!!
      Oh that sounds interesting that you have one for each time of the day! Is one more 'sunshiny' looking and one maybe darker or something for evening, etc. ??

  9. Hello Shirley :) how are you doing today? those dragon cups look so awesome! and I can't wait to see your cup all finished, its going to look amazing!
    Sorry I haven't posted on here lately, My children got chicken pox and as you can imagine, it spread like wild fire lol but everyone is on the mend now, I hope you're doing well and I'm so excited for you to move into your new place and start your new adventures there. P.S I have you as a follower on Skyrim, you save me a lot, when you say "No one messes with Grandma" you really mean it and I love it! Sending you lots of love and hugs as always, take care Shirley x

    1. Hi Leanne!!
      That is so cool to hear about your adventures with "grandma" lol
      I'm glad you are enjoying me as a follower. Have you listened to any of my stories yet, or just fight with me?
      I remember when my son's were little and they all got the chicken pox together!! lol Also, when they all got a bad cold (maybe the flu) and were all throwing up together in their beds!!!! The joys of Motherhood!!! LOL

    2. I have listened to your stories, It's one of the first things I did after I got the weapons back! I was so happy you added them in, your stories are always so unique and the way you tell them draws you in immediately, you can hear the emotion and tone in your voice as you're telling certain stories too and I love it so much. I know I say this all the time but you're just meant for story telling, and I honestly appreciate your stories a lot. I also love the cute little bowl of hard candies on the side of the kitchen opening LOL
      That is exactly it! as you said the Joys of motherhood LOL!!
      I hope you're having some beautiful sunshine where you are,
      Kind regards, Leanne

    3. Leanne, that was such a sweet comment and thank you so much!! I'm glad you enjoy my readings of stories!!!
      The weather here has been so great for several days!!! I think it is the weather that is making me feel so good and happy! lol

  10. oh. my. gosh. that cup looks so pretty!! glad to see someone else obsessed in dragons

  11. Hi there, Ezra!!
    Oh I've played Skyrim for many years and you can't play that game with out getting obsessed with dragons!! They are really cool to paint and I can't wait to show "all" on here!! :)

  12. Hi grandma! The dragon cups you have are very cool! I also love the dragon cup you are making.

    I have never tried a pottery lesson, but maybe one day I will make my own mug too :)

    Perhaps make the mug black with red eyes so it looks like Alduin, or maybe red and white to make it look like Odahviing, or maybe brown and tan to look like Paarthurnax…the ideas are endless with pottery

    1. Yes, you should try it Winnie!! It is fun and you don't have to pour your own piece.. you can buy something already poured and hardened. Some you have to 'smooth' by cleaning them, some are already prepared for you. Then you can do 'ANYTHING' your brain can dream up!!! lol I already have him painted and will be painting the cup black, as I said.

  13. Oooh, that are some nice dragon cups! I have some dragon stuff as well, no cup though, I think I might have to fix that at some point in time! Most my dragons are small figurines and such that I got when I was much younger.

    Maybe you end up with a dragon in a cup that just drinks it up for you, so you always wonder where your coffee or tea went! One never knows!

    1. Hi Izzy!!
      What a cool idea!!! I haven't seen on with a dragon down inside the cup.. that would be so cool!!! ... as you drink the liquid out, his head gradually emerges...!! I would love that!!

  14. The mugs you have are great, but I can't wait to see the ones you painted, once fired. The fireing process is so magical. What a great idea. Ive often thought about going to one of those "make your own" pottery places. How very cool. Thanks for sharing Shirley. Sorry I'm a day late We were on the roadback home.
    Have a wonderful Memoral day All!

    1. Hi Loretta!
      I can't wait to get back to the shop and take pictures of the others I want to buy and paint and show them on here!!!
      I hope your trip back was as enjoyable as being where you camped. Glad you're back safe and sound.... picutres?!

    2. I have many photos to share with you! Some really great tree photos.. i will be going through them today and send the best ones to you via email asap.

    3. OH, that's going to be so cool!! Thank you!

  15. Hi grandma! I've been a little bit busy, I had to go to work early today and I'm just catching up with your latest videos and Dorkly while still half asleep (not fun! *No one* should have to wake up before 7am).

    I'm a big fan of your dragon mugs, I think I'd look pretty badass if I just casually drank coffee or a cup of tea out of a fire spitting dragon mug, that's the dream!

    The style of the mugs reminds me a bit of Shadow of the Colossus. In case you don't know what that is, it's a videogame in which your character must defeat 16 giant colossi (which are more like moving, living architecture) to resurrect a person they love. It's a bit of a weird game, the map is huge and scenery is beautiful but you can tell there's something very wrong with the setting - the birds aren't chirping, the wildlife is minimal - and that somehow, your character shouldn't be there.

    I'm not going to spoil the game for you in case you ever want to play it, but I'd advise you to look it up because it's absolutely gorgeous!

    1. Hi Submarie!!
      I usually wake up about 7:30am but once in awhile I sleep in until 9 !! lol Lazy days!
      Yeah, it's gonna' be cool drinking out of that cup with a fire spitting dragon!!!!
      Yes, I know Shadow of the Colossus. I keep track of all video games. No, I wouldn't care to play that one. Not my kind of thing. I've found that most games I don't like but the scenery is gorgeous.. which is a shame.
      Love your comment!

  16. Woah, those look so cool grandma!

    1. Thank you Microvitus!! It is fun painting! Can't wait to go back and finish it and fire it so I can take a picture of the finished cup!!

  17. Hi!!! Thank you for your comment!!
    I love to do ceramics, and it had been along time since I had been over there and worked on anything! Lots of fun!! :) I think a bunch of those will make a pretty cool collection... Kitchen? Or in PC Room?
    That is really nice that you have some things your Mom made and that you have them setting out!! Hope that makes her smile. :)

  18. Hi Grandma, your dragon cup is so wonderful and cute! Does the handle become more difficult to hold with that design, or does it feel the exact same as a normal handle (Or does it feel better than a normal one!)? I can just imagine drinking coffee or tea out of it and feeling like a deep scholar or wizard! Have a great day Grandma.

  19. Hi Oliver!!
    Well, I can tell you that it sure does not feel like an ordinary cup handle!! I made up a little story... When I'm drinking, the dragon is mostly facing toward anyone who might attack me. He let's loose his fire and eliminates them before anyone can get to me!! Sometimes he looks around at me with a question in his eyes.. 'do you need me to warm up your drink?' lol

  20. Hey grandma it’s “ThrGreatKate333” from YouTube. I can finally comment! Yay! I absolutely love those dragon cups! And I love the one you’ve made! I can’t wait to see him after he’s been through the fire lol

  21. Hi Kate!! Glad you made it. You can now look back at other posts now, unless you were able to do that already.. just not comment.. right?
    Hope I see you more!!

  22. That cup is going to turn out great! I have always wanted to make a clay cup, and paint it to look like ancient greek pottery.

  23. Hi Garret!!!
    You should find you a pottery shop and make you a cup
    . I think it's really fun to paint pottery!! I'm going to be making me a whole display of Dragon cups!! LOL I would like to see what the ancient greek pottery would look like...

  24. the cup looks really cool

    1. Thanks "creativename" who ever you are
      They have several cool dragon cups there which I'm going to buy and paint. That will be fun!! I'll show them on here!

  25. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  26. Finally after many centuries I can comment!! Anyway, I love those type of dragon mugs, it reminds me of the chalice I used to get at the Renaissance festivals!

    I can't wait to see a lineup of all the dragon cups that you will paint in the future. And maybe if you like painting pottery so much, try your hand at creating pottery, it's pretty fun! I was obsessed with coil vases.

    1. Hi Fernando!
      The only thing I've tried myself, many many years ago, was to pour the slip into molds and go from their. But I'd rather it already be poured, cleaned, and ready for me to paint. :)
      I'd love to see a chalice from a Renaissance festifval!!!
      Glad you're here!!

    2. When you're settled in, you should check out any renfaires close to your city. Pewter cups have been pretty popular lately, at least where I am.

    3. I think there is one near by once in awhile.. I'll have to ask my dauther-in-law about that!!!

    4. I think most Renaissance festivals open around March, not completely sure. But definitely make it a family thing the next time it rolls around, they're really fun once in a while. I've never been brave enough to eat the turkey leg, but maybe you can.

    5. I will do that Fernando. Thank you! Maybe I'll eat that turkey leg too, and think of you! lol

  27. I realllly like the thought of you having only dragon cups. That's a cool idea! The one you're painting looks both cool and cute at the same time! Painting stuff like this can be really fun. I've tried painting miniatures a few times, but it's tough since they're... well, mini. :) Speaking of, how big is this cup that you're painting? I'm assuming it's the same size as any regular mug, but it's hard to tell without comparison. I know you've had some huge mugs filled to the brim with coffee in your videos sometimes!

    Looking forward to see it after it's painted black and fired!!

  28. Hi Jema,
    Yes it is a big mug, like my usual. I can hardly wait to get back and finish it and to buy the others and get started!!
    I don't care to work on anything mini either... although I do have a mini Wizard I want to finish.

  29. Good morning grandma!

    Those look super awesome! The one you painted looks so adorable too, and I can't wait to see more of them you paint :)
    Also yes, replacing every cup with dragon ones is such a good idea lol makes me want to do it too!
    Love the last pic btw :)

    Much love! xx

  30. When I get to go back the the Pottery shop and finish it and get it fired I'll post a final picture. I'll also show pictures of the cups I buy!! Those dragon cups that I bought, though... I think they are so awesome!!

  31. your dragon looks so good! I've tried pottery multiple times and it didn't take me long to realize that I don't have the patience for it. lol I love watching other people make it though. Can't wait to see the finished product!

  32. Hi Sage!!!
    I can't wait to get back to the Pottery shop and finish my dragon cup and get it fired!! I'll be showing on here! Also the other dragon cups they have there which I'm going to buy and show on here!! :)

  33. Hi, grandma! I commented (on another post here) a while back and said that I was wasn’t sure I’d get into the bachelor study I wanted. Well… I GOT IN! I DID IT! Just got the news so I’m really shaky, but I DID IT! Hope you’re having an amazing day today :D

    1. I am so happy that you got in and that you let me know!! Congratulations!!! :) What are you going to be focusing on?
      (If I'm asking that correctly)
