Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Cool Carvings Made By My Friend!!

 Good morning Everyone!!

Been busy and took me awhile to make another Blog!

Today my whole interest is about my friend in Germany, "BlackPanther77"  or by name: Sylwia.

In her spare time she makes small wood carvings,  which I admire so very much!  She's really good in my opinion!!!

She has sent me many pictures of her work over the years that I've known her,  which I have enjoyed so much!!

This is the first thing of hers that she sent to me,  several years ago.  I sat these old men on my small writing desk, and got my son to cut me this piece of old wood to set behind these two fishermen.

This is where they have lived ever since.

Can't you just imagine two old men, standing on a wharf in front of an old fishing shack,  one buddy just watching his friend fish, hands stuck deep into his pockets, puffing on that pipe?!  I just love these two guys!!  You know they are best friends,  and someone's grandpa's!!!  

I often watch them when I'm doing anything at that desk, and imagine conversations between them, hearing there casual, rough voices, mumbling around their pipes. They talk about their past life,  their kids, their grandkids.. but short sentences,  long pauses in between, just being content out there looking over the bay.   I actually make up these conversations for them in my head!!

Just recently Sylwia sent me a picture of her latest carving!!  I love it so much that I have been begging her to send it to me!!!  I will gladly, happily, joyfully pay the postage on it!!!!!!

Look at this:


Isn't this marvelous?!!!  I hope you can click on it and enlarge it!!! Just a face emerging out of this gnarly wood,  not totally 'out'  but partially hidden within.  I want this so badly!!!  

To me he is someone, maybe a Wizard, who has locked himself away in a mystical place, eyes closed, casting spell after spell to look after his people;   or an old mythical god keeping control over his world;   or maybe my own God in the heavens watching out for those of His kingdom.

Whatever this would represent,  it's beyond us,  mythical or heavenly.. broad in scope, yet hidden.

Can you imagine him suddenly,   or maybe slowly,  opening his eyes?  I imagine that scene often as he looks at me and speaks in a soft, low voice..  leaving me some bit of knowledge or wisdom.

I want him in my home so badly!!!

                 Please, Sylwia?!! 


  1. Oh, I absolutely agree with you about these carvings: they have so much life in them!! 🀩😁
    Your friend is wonderfully talented. Woodcarving always seems like such a beautiful hobby to me, yet I know it takes a lot of time to hone those particular skills!
    (I would love to carve a birdfeeder adorned by wooden animals and plants one day. But I would need years of experience for that, I know πŸ˜†πŸ˜ Will have to be content with my mental image, haha.)

    I love the two fishermen!
    Though they may not look particularly jovial at first sight, you just know they are full of that slightly mischievous sort of humor they both need very few words to express 😁
    I would love to hang out with them, were they real. Chat a bit, learn a lot, taste their secret tea blend... 😁
    And the piece of wood your son provided fits them very well! Love the dried lichen on there. Hope they'll get a nice sunny spot in your new home! 😊

    And the solitary face - oh wow! Is that driftwood? At any rate, his is a visage one could spend hours studying πŸ€“πŸ˜Š
    To me, he seems most like the wizard you mentioned - weary from all the work he's had to do and still has to do, determined to keep going -- but also wise enough to know when to rest.

    If Sylwia decides to part with him, do share the news with us! 😁

    Thanks for the blog, hope you're having a fine day! 😊😊😊

  2. Hi Hervissa!!! I'm so glad you're here!! You write me the coolest comments, and thank you so much!! Sylwia is such a good carver! I love the things she makes and i love talking with them or making up stories about them!! LOL
    I haven't much to do today, very relaxing, so I pulled out all my stuff for writing, and got back into Young Dorkly's story and it is just FLOWING!!! I've been writing for hours, nibbling on nuts, crackers and cheezits. lol And my daughter-in-law just brought me some seafood salad that she made and had a lot left over, so I'm getting ready to eat that for and late lunch/early dinner!!
    Talk to you later!!

  3. Hello Grandma,
    Wow. Your friend is very talented. I would pay for carvings like that!

    I lived in Nova Scotia for quite awhile and down the road from where I lived, there was a fishing village with the typical houses that were many colours. This village was a living stereotype and I loved it. I could just see the fishermen you have sitting on the dock, fishing, complaining about the state of the fishing industry (and their wives!) and telling each other that their fishing wrong. I love them. I would have to give them names and probably invent an entire backstory for them!
    The other piece, I agree. I could see those eyes opening both quickly and slowly. He would look amazing in the backyard. I think he has a lot of stories to tell, too... he was trapped by and evil witch, he's a tree spirit that's been awoken by some terrible event, he's annoyed at the person who woke him up because he was simply trying to nap and now he's a little cranky lol
    I love art that makes me want to write and these pieces definitely do that!
    Thank you for sharing them and have a great day!

    1. Hello Ayumi!! Loved your comment!
      Yes, my friend is very talented!! I love her carvings!
      You seem to have an imagination similar to mine!! I'm always making up stories around figurines, pictures even flowers and such. It great fun and also seem to be what engineers my stories I would make in Skyrim, enstead of following Their storyline. I think 'imagination' makes for a happy life!! LOL
      I truly enjoyed the little stories you told around my fishermen and that 'tree phantom' or whatever I should call him!!
      Shirley (loved your comment and hope I hear from you more)

  4. Those carvings are absolutely beautiful! My Mum has always had similar sorts of cravings and things around the house so those little fisherman are particularly charming to me. Sylwia is obviously an amazing craftswoman. Hope you're having a great day Grandma, good luck on trying to convince her into sending you that wizard carving!

    1. Hi Oliver!!
      Loved your comment! That's so cool that your Mom has things like this around the house! Yes, Sylwia is more of an amazing craftswoman than she thinks she is!! I'm always encouraging her!! Yeah, maybe she will send that to me for Christmas or something!! lol I told her that if I could have it I'd more than gladly pay the shipping cost!!!!

  5. Okay those carvings are just amazing! I can see a whole history about those to old men forming, just from having them stand there, their pasts being discussed over a cup of coffee that no one else could even stand to drink! She is really talented, and best of luck in getting your hands on that wizard carving, I can imagine there might be more interrested people in it!

  6. Good morning Izzy!!!
    Just finished breakfast and this is the first place I cam to on my pc!!
    I'm so glad you all are enjoying my Blog again!! I hope I keep it going this time!! LOL
    I think Sylwia is so talented! I encourage her all the time!! We all seem to have the same kind of minds... making up stories around the lives of these wonderful carvings!! It's something I just seem to do and I think that helped me in creating stories in within Skyrim.
    Yeah, I might need luck in getting that tree carving but.... maybe I'll get it for Christmas!! That would be cool!! But I'd so gladly pay the shipping cost if she would just let me have it!!! LOL

  7. Those carvings are beautiful! Those little old men somehow remind me of elves (nissar) in Swedish folklore. The story goes that every farm had an elf looking after it and the farmers would set out milk or porridge for it every evening. As long as the farmers took care of their elf, the farm would prosper. But if they failed to care for their elf the livestock would get sick and the crops would fail and the farm would slowly turn to ruin. Those kinds of little magical beings is what the old men carvings remind me of!

    That gnarly piece of wood is so beautiful! I hope your friend can be convinced to part with it!

    Hope you're having a great day! Over here it’s Thursday evening now and I’m about to have dinner!

    1. Hi Elin!! Love your comment!!
      I'm so glad you like the carvings! I loved the story you told me about the Swedish Folklore!! That was cool!! Sounds like people like that live with magic in their hearts!!! Much happier life! lol
      Actually my friend read what I had to say on here about that one piece and she emailed me that she is sending it to me!!! Yah!!!! :)
      I've had a wonderful day.. out and about in town and the bookstore etc... back home and will soon consider what to have for dinner. :)

  8. Wow! Those carvings are amazing! I wish I had that kind of talent! I am with the others, I can imagine how the tree man's eyes would slowly open and close, and how he would tell stories of his long life, in a deep and sonorous voice.

    I see the two little fishermen on the dock, old men whose days at sea are over, but cannot leave the sight of the sea, and enjoy watching the other boats go out fishing, and yelling advice to them.

    It *is* beautiful today! We have all our windows open and enjoying the weather. Love to you and yours from me and mine <3

    1. So glad your here!! :)
      It's so fun that everyone is enjoying those carvings!! I really think she could sell them on ebay or a little shop etc!!!
      I've been out and about today.. downtown just wandering and in the bookstore.. bought some more!
      Love you, tell Dad I said 'Hi' ...

  9. Hi Grandma! Such cool pieces of art! That wooden face coming out of that rough wood is so creative and beautifully sculpted. Yet another talented Grandkid! I can also imagine the life of the tree man, quietly listening to the world around him! So amazing! xox <3

    1. Hi!!
      I think that tree man is my most favorite thing Sylwia has done and .... she's going to send it to me!!!!!! I'm so excited!!!

  10. Hi Shirley! :)
    I am amazed by those woodcarvings. The face in the gnarled wood reminds me a little of carvings my dad used to do when he as young. They're at my family's cottage, on a shelf. I've tried myself, but I guess woorcarving just isn't my talent lol. This one your friend made, it looks like he's turned his face towards the sun, basking in the golden glow. Maybe he's meditating. I really like it.

    And the two little men are so cool! Makes me want to watch an animation of it, maybe a short movie of 5-6 minutes, with them sitting on the dock or in a fishing boat, talking. Do they have names for you?

  11. Thank you so much Jema!!
    I love the carvings my friend makes!!!
    I feel almost the same way you do when I look at the carving in the gnarly wood. I really really love that piece and almost begged her for it and ... SHE'S SENDNG IT TO ME!!! I'm so excited!!!
    The two old fishermen she sent to me quite awhile ago and they sit on my desk. I often look at them and imagine their conversation! lol
    So, you've made me want to make a little story for them to put here in the BLOG like I did about a Dragon and a Bear (if you look farther back.)
    Oh, this will be fun!! I've listened to so many conversations of theirs, maybe it could turn into a "once in a while" thing on here?!
    Later Jema,

    1. That would be great!! I love little stories like that. ^_^
      And do post pictures when you get the wizard in the wood!

  12. Que belas esculturas!!! TΓ£o expressivas, misteriosas e carismΓ‘ticas ao mesmo tempo. Lindos pequenos tesouros!

  13. Thank you Matheus on her behalf!!! Yes, I think they are great. Everytime I look at them I can make up some story in my head.. I may do that on this BLOG

  14. Ah, e certamente seria maravilhoso se o fizesse. ❤️

  15. She has read everyones lovely comments about her carvings and she thanks you!! She can't.. for some reason or other.. log onto here to leave comments.
