Friday, May 12, 2023

Didn't Forget To Come Back!!

 Well good morning everyone!

I am still not feeling well,  I guess this is going to go on forever,  with me and my family!!  I think I'm going to quit mentioning it and let everyone pretend, with me, that I'm okay!!  lol

The main thing that I wanted to show you is all my chests people have sent to me. This morning I rearranged them all on two shelves in a bookcase and I think it looks good.   Enjoy!!  If anyone sends me more,  that would be cool!!  LOL  All of them have something or other inside.

Today I think I'm having the desire to make a proper video (instead of just my vlogs I've been making since I've been sick).  I shall make another book reading by my old, retired Dragonborn.. The Monk.  I will look in his library and find a book for him to read.  That will be uploaded to it's usual place on Monday morning.

Yesterday I also finished writing another chapter in my book about my young Wizard,  Dorkly. I will read that today in a video and upload it for it's usual spot on Friday morning.   I am enjoying writing this book so  much!  I never realized it could be such fun,  but what makes that?... reading it to all you viewers and getting comments back!!!  Thank you so much!!

Here is a 'book' I wrote based on my The Listener game I played in Skyrim sometime back. I don't know why I called it in my Playlist  "A Work In Progress, The Listener".  It's totally finished!! lol

Actually,  I am already working on another one!!  I read a little bit of what I had written,  on my YT channel,   just to give everyone a little 'taste' of what it will be about, and you seemed to like it!   It's going to be called,  "The Forest Phantom".  

This is the name on the video in which I read this:    "Vlog#56 Would You Like This For My Next 'Story"?

Well,  enough about books and my writing!!!!  You seem to want to look at my bookshelves so here is another shelf...


         You didn't have to listen to...

                          COUGHING!!  LOL  LOL


  1. HELP! My links don't work!!!! Well you can find the Vlog easily, and the Story Video Is found in the Tab at top of channel called Playlists.

    1. I think you should post your links with a little chain-symboled button which is in the middle of the instruments while creating a post. I maybe wrong though. Never used Blogpost before.

  2. Hi! Love the chest collection. Hiding any loot in them? Can't wait to hear more about 'The Forest Phantom'. Sounds a bit spooky!
    I hope you feel better soon and will keep you in prayers. Times like this call for lots of tea.
    The weather is getting to be in the high 80s with storms. Is it warming up where you are?
    Signing off for now! Got some errands to run today and laundry to do. Take care Shirley!

    1. Hi!! It's evening and I'm trying to catch up here before I go to bed and maybe read.. don't know if I feel like that or not. :)
      I hope I will be able to do a good job with The Forest Phantom. It will be totally different from Dorkly! :) Which is good!!!
      Oh, I have been drinking lots of tea, and this evening my son brought me some different medicine.
      Not been eating much.. mostly soups and stuff, but I can't taste anything.. which is typical for me with a cold!
      It's nice and warm here too! I have my patio door open right now as it's starting to get dark out. Inside and outside feels about the same, and it's nice. I don't need any air conditioner on. Wish you could come and do my laundry!!! LOL

  3. What a lovely collection of chests! Makes me want to send you one as well.
    Nice to hear you enjoy writing books and stories as much as we enjoy listening to them. Much love Shirley.
    P.S. By the way, Potion Craft is not just a brand or something, it's a neat little game about creating potions. Maybe you could check it out. ;)

    1. You can find a cool chest and send it if you want!..wink..wink..
      I've written stories most of my life and never finished anything because I get bored.. but this way, reading it to all of you as I write, is fun and will make me finish it!! :)

  4. Love the collection of chests! That totally makes me want to go play a game and do some looting. 😅
    I very much enjoy listening to you reading the stories you write. I forgot what a joy it is to be read to. That led me to buy Dennis Jernigan's newest book (Parkinson's and Recreation) as an audiobook. So thank you for helping me rediscover the joy of being ready to!

    1. Hi!!! Each chest has some little trinket in it!! I hope I get more chests because I love that collection better than any other which I have!
      I'm glad to know that you enjoy the stories I write. I had tried all my life to write but would get bored before I could finish anything. This is so fun for me to write and to read to all of you as I do. It is keeping me going, joyfully, and I will finish. Of course I finished the one I wrote based on my gameplay of the Listener. It's in my saved games.. Playlists.. then under Created Playlists... called, A Work In Progress, The Listener.
      I'm glad you are enjoying being read to!!

  5. Hello Grandma. I finally figured out how to comment on your blog, turned out to be a simple setting :). I love those chest, and that vase looks right out of a dwemer ruin. Btw I am completly moved in to my new place.

    1. Hi Garrett! I'm so glad you made it!!
      Glad your moved in! I hate packing up, but It is always fun for me to decide where I want everything in the new place as I UNpack!!! I hope you enjoy that part!
      I love all my different chests and I hope I get more!! Each one has a few trinkets in it.

  6. Heyla Mama! I *finally* managed to get signed on and able to comment. It is a royal pain in the ***! Oh well, I am here now, and those trunks are lovely! I especially like the large blue one!

    I wish we could all read The Listener you wrote, bet it is really good! I am looking forward to The Forest Phantom! Have a good weekend, and I will post some pics of Niagra to you once we get back! <3

  7. I'm so glad you're here!! You can read The Listener I wrote. It's on my channel. Up at the top click on Playlists, When that comes up click on Created Playlists. There's all the different stories I've played in Skyrim (they all show how many videos are in each series I played to make a story.), so scroll down until you come to: A Work In Progress, The Listener. You can see I have made 28 videos reading the story I wrote. :) Of course it's no longer in progress because I finished it!! lol
    Each one of those squares is a series and the number of videos in each is print on them.
    I am so sick of being sick, with this cold. My son was over this evening and brought me some other medicine. Monday I finally am going to the doctor!!
    I hope you come here often!!

    1. Oh, and I will be looking for those pictures from Niagra Falls!!!
      I will probably get to start writing The Forest Phantom in a month or two. I'm really slow with everything right now because of not feeling weel.
      Later, Shirley

  8. Those Chests look beautiful! I love them. I literally came on here just to see if you have updated because I love hearing how you are doing. I'm sorry this cold is being a pain in the butt. I absolutely loved your Listener story! if anyone hasn't watched it, I highly recommend it. (still not happy with Bethesda though LOL) but, The Forest Phantom sounds amazing, you were meant for story telling. Sending you love, hugs and all the healing vibes from across the pond. xx

  9. Thank you so much Leanne!!! I'm so glad you listened to my Listener story!!! I don't think many people look through my stuff and find it. I don't know how to maybe 'showcase'. I am happy with it myself! lol
    Thank you about 'story telling', I am really having fun writing!!! I'll be getting to start the Forest Phantom. I lay in bed at night a think up stuff for the story. Maybe that's how 'real' writers compose their stories!! LOL Thank you so much!!

  10. Hi Grandma! Good to hear you're doing well and I'm admittedly very excited for another chapter of Dorkly. I also went back and read your story about the bear that you recommended to me in your last blog post and I really enjoyed it. I'm not quite sure what time it is in America as I'm writing this (I live in Australia) but I hope you have a great day/evening!

  11. Thank you Oliver! Oh it doesn't matter when someone posts here, or on anyone's videos. It's here whenever the person gets on their PC to look. I'm so glad that you enjoyed my story about the bear!! I love making up little stories like that!! Hope you continue to enjoy my Blogs!

  12. Greetings! 😊

    Ooo, chests galore, I see - your house is a proper wizard's tower indeed 😅😅
    Love the white one, especially!
    Good on you for still having space enough to store and display all those lovely things! 😆
    (You do have a books-only bookshelf, too, though, don't you..? 😜 😁)

    Curious to see what story the Monk has in store for us - will make for nice company at dinnertime, I bet! 😁

    And I am happy to hear you're still enjoying writing Dorkly's (mis)adventures - and yes, it's kinda funny: on one hand, deadlines and promises made and stuff like that can be a source of stress ('darn it, I have to write it NOW - or else...'), but on the other, having some sort of goal while writing makes for better productivity 😅
    And an added bonus of presenting your story in this way, when people can react to it in real-time 'along the way', so to speak, is the feedback from your readers - and the happiness one feels when hearing or seeing that yes, somebody truly did enjoy the fruit of their creative labor!
    (That is something I love about fanfiction communities, too! 😊)

    And yeeesssss!!! I was hoping you would continue with the Phantom story, the short bit you read waaay back was very intriguing! Looking forward to hearing what spooky stuff you have in store for the young lad in the tale! 🤓 😈

    There is gonna be a small online competition in my country, this autumn, where people are supposed to write and send short horror stories - I've been thinking of trying my hand at that, altough /good/ horror vibes [no, autocorrect, I did /not/ mean 'wives'! 😅] and properly mysterious mood is not easy to conjure! 🧐😉
    This year's theme is 'fog' - in whatever shape or form the writer decides to tackle it 😁

    (If I do end up writing something, I will send it your way, of course! 😁)

    Oooh, and one more words-related thing: I went to a 'literary evening' event recently, where poems and short stories of the American poet Raymond Carver were being read - he was a melancholic soul, with a very good eye for the essence of what makes us human. His 'Rain' poem especially hit home as the weather has been rather cloudy lately!
    An interesting experience, it was.
    Do you (or did you) enjoy such events? 😊

    Hope the coughing and general weariness packs its things and leaves you soon - being sick ain't no fun 🥴🥴🥴
    And hope the sun is a frequent guest in your area these days! ☀️😊

  13. My dear Hervissa!! So glad to see you here!!
    Uhhh... yes I do have a 'small' handfull of books LOL Well besides the whole shelf full of the Drizzt on going series!

    Yes, I want to move on to start the Phantom but I so love young Dorkly!!! Just can't find a good stopping place for him. I'll know,
    when I write it!! lol I am working on the Phantom story though.

    It is cool that you will write short stories for Fanfiction (I have never visited that or read anything that someone wrote and posted there, so do send me something you write.) Let me know when you do and give me a link and I'll visit and see If I'm interested. I like the idea that the theme is to be centered around FOG. This is why I'm so disgusted with developers of online games, like I buy on Steam. They are all the same crap!! Hardly ever find a develper who has an original thought in his head!! So I just kept playing Skyrim!!! lol

    Also it's cool that you go to 'literary evenings'. If there was anything like that around here I might go.... maybe I should start one!? If I still drove and had a car I would be doing a LOT of things!! LOL
    Actually, I don't know if I would enjoy people sitting around discussing what each other writes... I'd rather be at home WRITING. LOL

    I wish what I'm going through would pack up and leave too!! Today I am actually feeling like some of it is saying, 'hey, I'm gettin' outta Dodge!' I actually walked over to the drugstore today!!! I haven't been out of my apt for WEEKS!! (I thought I might not make it back!!) but I did. Now I'm really tired and sitting here at this PC.

    The sun and the weather is really nice. It's not hot, it is perfect!! I might, in a little bit, go sit on my patio for a bit. Maybe I'll make a short vlog while I'm out there. :) If I can find something to say! lol
    I should be making another BLOG!! Soon...
    Well, gotta stop this, later....

    1. "I haven't been out of my apt for WEEKS!! (I thought I might not make it back!!) but I did. "

      lol this made me laugh. XD I remember the feeling of finally leaving my apartment after a particularily long asting flu once. I was like "wow, there's a whole world out there!!"

    2. Yeah, it makes me want to keep walking, but being inactive for so long I'm too tired!! lol

  14. You have so much cool stuff in your shelf!! Gosh, those chests in particular are super nice. There's a reason treasure chests are still used in games lol! They just really make people want to open them to see what's inside. I guess you'll have to make another blog post about that: "What's inside my treasure chests!" lol I'd read that!

    And I'm so excited to hear you're working on the Forest Phantom! As you may or may not know, I think I've mentioned it - I go through on and off periods with youtube. So I typically go a little while without watching anything, then suddenly sit down and binge the book videos you've posted since last time in one sitting. I just love those binges, most usually I do it in the evening. I'll be doing another one soon, so expect a flood of comments from me then lol!

  15. Thank you so much Jema! I'll be looking forward to that.
    I don't really want to end Dorkly but I may be coming close to an appropriate ending, so I can start the new BOOK #2 !! :)
    I'll think about that chest idea... yeah, I could next show what's inside each one! :)

  16. Sad to see Dorkly might be ending soon, but I'm looking forward to your next book. I often replay Dorkly while working, I find it very soothing. I'm sure 'The Forest Phantom' will be great too, now I'm intrigued! Let me check out your video and see what it's all about.

    1. Hope you like the video I made to introduce the coming Phantom. When I start the series I will start with that one.. re-reading it again with maybe more stuff in it.

  17. That dagger is beautiful! 😻

  18. Hi Grandma! Your collection is beautifully displayed! I had no idea your chest collection is so large, you can never have too many chests of goodies! I also see the book I sent you and I thank you for displaying it with your other wonderful treasures from your Grandkids. I think you have the nicest bunch of subscribers I've seen on YouTube and I'm so happy and grateful to be one of your Grandkids!

    I'm excited to hear the continuation of Dorkly, The Young Wizard's story. I look forward to Friday very much! There are so many things happening in the story, I expect that Chapter 40 will be really something special!

    I really enjoyed The Listener, it was such a cool take on the life of an assassin, especially the fact that The Listener was a lady. It was unexpected that a female Khajiit could have a cool hand capable of ending the lives of others. As well as a softness about her and her love for the handsome Nazir. The ending was super emotional for me, it was so beautifully written, Grandma.

    I re-watched the video where you read the first Chapter of The Forest Phantom and I hope you decide to continue working on that story, as it sounds like a goodie! I love the creepy trees you put on the cover, it really sets the tone!

    PS: I just copied and pasted the links you had in the Blog into my browser and they still work if you open it in that manner!

    Thank you Grandma for always finding new ways to surprise us with your many types of content! much love xox 💜

  19. I am so thankful for you!!! I love it when you send me messages!! This one is so sweet and you covered so many things!!
    I'll keep on with Dorkly for awhile but I'm not going to continue him too much farther I don't think. I'm anxious to get started on the next story! I don't think I could be writing two at the same time. (My brain is in no shape for that! ) LOL
    I'm so glad you listened to my read my story about The Listener!! I think that is my favorite thing I've written and it even made me cry. I have had so many tell me that they cried!! I guess that means a writter is doing okay, knowing they can create emotions in their readers!! (even myself!) lol
    Thank you so much for being here!!

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. Why does Matheus keep being deleted? I don't remember what he said?

  22. Eu também não me lembro mais. Será uma questão da língua? Será que alguma palavra do português é interpretada de maneira equivocada? 🤔

  23. It's okay now, you're here!!!! And it's fine.. I don't think it was any language issue at all. :)
