Friday, June 2, 2023

Coolest Screensaver!!!!

 You gotta' see this everyone!!  Hope you can enlarge it

This is the coolest screensaver I've ever used!!!!

I don't know who took this but I'm so glad you did!! I can't remember how long I've had this.. from wherever I got it..  but just found it again in my "stuff" and had to put it on my two big screens!  I wish you could all see it on them in real life!!! ..  GORGEOUS!!!  LOL

I've got a few others I want to use but I don't know when I'll ever be able to change this..  

I'm. In. Love. With. It.!!!!

Okay,  that's enough 'gushing'....  

             Sorry.  lol


  1. This looks Amazing!! the detail on the picture too is absolutely outstanding, love the subtle blue eyes, they blend perfectly with the icy white snow in the background! makes me feel cold just looking at that picture LOL! :) thank you for sharing your screensaver! xx
    Best Wishes - Leanne

    1. My son told me they are called White Walkers from the Game of Thrones!!!!

  2. Interesting. That picture looks like Game of Thrones concept art or something from MTG.

    1. Yep, my son told me that they are called White Walkers and are from The Game of Thrones!! :)

  3. Fabulous! His eyes undoubtedly follow you around the room, I bet...! 😜😁😁
    Love how certain pictures make you almost feel and hear them -- this one, I would imagine a deadly silent air, perhaps the slightest whisper of biting wind, and ominous crunching of snow under his feet....and maybe soft clinking of ice in his beard! 🥶😁

    I can never settle for just one picture - my screensaver changes every minute, a mix of pictures I took in various games, family photos and fabulous fan-made wallpapers from many fandoms 😁

    Well, this dude is just.....chilling, haha 😜😜😁😁 Perfect for hot summer days! 😊

  4. I usually change my picture on here rather often, but I know I'm not going to lett HIM go too soon!
    Like your little descriptive story. :)

  5. So cool (and a little creepy)! If I wasn't so sick of winter by now ("summer" here so far is icy cold wind and barely 10 c), I'd appreciate the image even more lol.

    I always keep a folder full of desktop wallpapers I like. Some I have really strong memories with, like using a specific wallpaper during a specific time in my life. Sometimes that means I can't bring myself to use it again, as it may trigger too much nostalgia or whatever, but I keep it anyway. Just in case. :)

    1. I know what you mean!!! I keep pictures I want to use as Screensavers in a folder also!! lol This one I love so much.. it may be hard for me to ever change it!!! LOL

  6. That is the real art, very impressive! Makes you feel kind of - get up, get yourself together and fight for your life. Can be very stimulating, especially in the morning :) And those eyes just pierce you, fiercely...

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. P.S. Bumble Bee (on youtube)

    3. I think I love this picture better than ANY I've ever found!!!

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you. This is a talking back and forth channel. Hope you carry on conversations with me about a posting I put on here.

  8. That art is amazing! I can just feel the cold creeping through to my bones, listening to the Whitewalker's footsteps crunching in the snow, and feeling the snow fall from the branches onto my face as run in terror away from him! 🏃‍♀️❄️😂 Hope you doing well Mama ♥️ Love from us to you ☺️

    1. Thank you dear! Tell Dad I said Hi! Glad you enjoyed this. This BLOG has become such fun for me!! Love you!

  9. Oooh I like that image, such amazing artwork... Makes me think if a humanized ice wraith!

    1. Hi Ana! Glad you like it!! I don't know when I'll ever be able to make myself change it to something else. lol

  10. The Great Kate 333June 6, 2023 at 5:42 AM

    Looks very cool grandma! And very creepy!

    1. Hi Kate! Yep, it's pretty creepy! I usually change this about once a month but I'm thinking I'm going to keep him on here longer than that!! lol

  11. Hey Grandma! That is a beautiful screensaver. Definitely worth keeping. I'm a little embarrassed to admit that my screensaver is Ringo Starr. I just thought it was funny to have Ringo smiling at me all the time!

    1. Hi Oliver! lol I don't think I could stand a face looking at me all the time! lol I change the picture on here about once month but I'm sure I'll keep this one longer!!

  12. So cool! It reminds me of the white walkers on Game of Thrones haha. Halloween is my favorite holiday too! And yes I can enlarge the image to see it! Thanks for sharing Grandma!

    1. I said it was the White Walkers from the Game of Thrones.

  13. Those white walkers from Game of Thrones are SO creepy. There's a few moments from that show that just thinking about still gives me shivers.

    My wallpaper/screensaver is a scene with two of my favourite things - mushrooms and sailing ships :D

    I imagine you're enjoying some warm weather now. It's very cold here in New Zealand. We had our first frost of the winter this morning. It's a good time to drink some hot coffee.

    1. Enjoy your coffee!!
      When I get moved I'm going to start watching the whole season of Game of Thrones!! I've never watched it.
      The weather is beautiful here now that the cold winter has finally past. It seemed longer and colder than it has been for years!

  14. I just came back here to see the screenshot as it was mentioned in your blog (I had seen it before when you posted it a few days ago but I had surgery in between then) and it is still just as cool!

  15. Hope the surgery went well and that your recovery goes well!!! Thanks for coming back!!

  16. Hi Grandma! It’s Anna Williams! I can’t sign in to my account and use my username for some reason, but I am able to comment as “anonymous”. I will see what I can do and if I can fix that in the future! I really like your screen saver and think he looks super cool! I feel like he is a cool monster who would be fun to hang out with… if he didn’t freeze you too quickly! Thanks for the blog! Have a great day! ❤️

    1. Good morning Anna!
      I'll be glad when you aren't having so much trouble getting on here!!
      He might be a 'cool' (literally) monster, but his face is terrifying!! I would not care to meet him!! But to look at his picture is pretty cool!!! LOL

  17. Good morning Grandma! That is an awesome screensaver, and it feels like it would give some cold, which I need here. We are having a quite warm and dry start to the summer, so something ice and cold does fit in with trying to cool down! How nice it would be to meet him irl.. well, it might at least make it cold! Hope you have a wonderful day!

  18. Good morning Izzy!!
    He's so cool, isn't he. I don't think I'd want to meet him in person! LOL Not even to get cooled off!
    It has mostly been so beautiful and perfect here, but the middle of the days is getting pretty hot. Summer heat won't be long in coming I guess, but I'm sure enjoying this for now!!
    Today I need to get some recordings made, get an eye-exam and new glasses, and go to the drugstore for a few things, so it will be a busy day.

    1. Busy days can be good sometimes, as long as one finds time to rest as well. Here its about 23 degrees celcius (no idea how to make that into farenheit) which is fairly warm for us norwegians ^^

      I have 45 minute left of work, then I am off to meet some friends of mine for dinner and movie night, so not a bad evening ahead for me ^^ Hearing you making new recording makes me smile, because that means a youtube treat is coming our way ^^

    2. Hi Izzy!
      I always try to keep busy at something, even if it's reading a book (the brain is busy lol).
      I have never known how to change Celcius to Farenheit!!
      I hope you have a really great time after work!!! :)

  19. The screensaver looks very cool, but very spooky too! It's kind of nightmare fuel for me.

    1. I think 'nightmare fuel' is a good way to think about it!! lol I'd hate to see it in real life or in my dreams.. I'd wake up screaming!! LOL But I love it as a screensaver!!

  20. I always use Skyrim Wallpapers for my PC. thank you gramma gotta add this to my albums

    1. I always use Skyrim pictures I take for my pc screen and some cool pictures like this one!! :)

  21. Hi Grandma Shirley! I've made it to the blog! I was going to join earlier but kept forgetting and forgetting lol. I love it here! I read up to catch myself up by looking at the previous blogs too.

    That is a cool screensaver! I need to start personalizing my computer, it still has the default picture that comes with a macbook, I have plenty of ideas already just thinking about it!

    Those wood carvings are so cute! I had a friend who did wood carvings of little pots and vases for flowers, seeing those little figurines made me wish he'd do those too!

    Did they ever get to replacing your door with a new one? I saw they were doing the neighbors, hopefully the flies and wasps didn't get in. I know you'll be moving to your in-laws side house soon though anyway, hopefully that door there won't need replacing either LOL.

    Can't wait to see more posts, I'll be on the lookout! :)

    1. Jeffrey!! I'm so glad you made it here and that you are going to love it here!! I love to talk back and forth on here!!! Much more personal on here and I can keep the "riff-raff" off here!!! Love that "delete" button!! LOL
      I'm glad that you looked farther back on here to catch up.
      Also glad you are getting ideas for Screensavers.. much more personal!!
      Yes, I think my friend does excellent carvings. She sent me the set of two fishermen, which I keep on my desk. I think I am going to put them in a short story on here one of these days.. it's "floating" around in my head. :)
      No, they haven't done anything about the doors. They are working right now on all the sidewalks from the parking areas to the apt. doors on that side. My apartment faces the patios, and they probably won't start replacing those doors until they are through with the sidewalks. (Maybe I'll be lucky enough to be moved by then!!) I hope. :)
      I'm so glad you are here Jeffrey and hope that you keep talking with me on here, or the others if you ever have something to say to them about something they post. :)

  22. Hi grandma! Ive been trying for the past half hour to set up a blog account and I think ive got it!! The screensaver is so ethereal, it reminds me of something that would come out of nowhere and attack you in Skyrim. It looks like a cross between an ice wraith and maybe an elf or something :)

    1. Hi Guppy!! So glad you are here!!!!
      My son told me that they are White Walkers from The Game Of Thrones.
      I'll bet that what you said is probably what it does in the game!! It is a scary looking thing, but it is so cool on my two big monitors! I'll probably keep it on longer than I have any other picture!! lol I like scary stuff! :)

  23. My son said that is what it is, from the Game of Thrones. :)

  24. This post makes me want to watch Game of Thrones reruns on Max. I enjoyed that flashback and it was great catching up on the blog but I'm going to go shower and get to bed, Grandma. I am busy, got other things to do, glad that I had a little free time to check out the blog.

  25. Thank you!! Hope you slept well!! :)

  26. Hi Grandma! I somehow managed to miss these blogs, I will have to check in more often!

    I love that Game of Thrones artwork, it really captures the soulless eyes of the White Walkers. They are absolutely terrifying on the show, if you're close enough to see them, you're close enough for them to destroy you! They rode on icy, rotting horses (which were also terrifying!)

    I don't know if you watched that series but it was pretty crazy. I really liked it but there were so many characters and I found myself unsure of who was who at times :D xox Christine

  27. Hi Christine!!!
    I haven't watched for that very reason... so many characters I couldn't keep up with them all!!!

  28. Gostei muito do olhar implacável da criatura. Belíssima ilustração!

  29. Thank you Matheus!! I think he's pretty cool looking too. I kept him on my PC monitor for a long time as a screensaver!!
