Thursday, June 15, 2023

My Young Days!!

 Good morning everyone!!

I haven't been feeling my best.. just tired and 'funky' LOL!  So,  I think I'll show some pictures of my younger self and say something about them.

Here is one when I was in grade school.  One of my followers on YouTube saw this picture and colorized it and sent the two back to me.  He did a good job I think. He hadn't seen it in color but he got the hair right .  The dress I had on was actually yellow.

This picture always looked... to me... like I was flirting  with someone but I didn't flirt then. I was extremely, extremely shy and bashful!!!  I had a friend in high school who told me that everyone thought I was 'stuck-up'! LOL

In this one I'm quite a few years older! And there's a young picture of my Dad.   I think we look like daughter and father, don't you? Well,  maybe not. (I wanted these side by side but it won't go that way!!) That was a really young picture of my Dad.. I called him daddy though. lol  Look at all that hair I've got!!! I had a sister-in-law about that time that talked me into getting it cut short!! I cried and cried afterwards!!   

I only knew my father for six years because that's how old I was when mama and daddy got divorced. I never saw him after that, and she never remarried and she worked all the time.. it was a lonely childhood.  That's why I played paperdolls, designing clothes for them and  making up stories with them,  read constantly and soon started writing, making up my own stories.  Never finished anything in ALL the years I've been writing until I started writing for all of you on YouTube!! LOL   

There is only two things I remember about my Dad..  one was when he rented bikes for us at the park and he taught me how to ride, and the other was taking me to a movie and we had ice cream. That's it.   I can still picture him exactly how he looked that day!!!

In this one I'm several years older again. I hope you can click on this and enlarge it.  I can.

Was living in Arizona..(My most favorite place I ever lived!!).. and I was out watering my cactus garden which I had planted.  We lived up a hill from the town and river, and closer to a range of low mountains.  We were in Lake Havasu. It was in it's earliest stages of being built and growing! Now it is a big city!

I gathered all those rocks (and plants, which was illegal!),  one by one as I took the 4 boys on rock-scouting walks in the desert surrounding us.  (They helped me collect them) I loved that desert better than anywhere I've ever lived!!  If one of them handed me a rock I would thank them and tell them how pretty it was, then if it was just a plain old rock, when they ran on ahead, I would drop it.  They never knew. lol   

One of them fell into a cactus once.. that wasn't fun!!! The youngest one was a toddler and I think it was him who fell into the cactus..  poor little guy!!!   

Do I talk too much when I get on here?? ....

          I'm going to go for this time...

                     I'll be back later on....


  1. I love learning more about your younger life. It's honestly so interesting to see and hear these stories. It really makes sense that as a kid you would make up your own stories and read books, as storytelling is one of your strengths on YouTube! Take care and I hope you feel better soon :)

    1. Thank you so much. Yes, I didn't have much else to do, so it just became a part of me to be able to make up stories. :) I love to!!

    2. You look gorgeous 🥰

  2. Thank you for taking the time to share these pictures! I love seeing them and reading about your life. I have lived in Arizona for 17 years and I still love living here!

    1. Hello Jennifer!! I am so envious!!! I wish I could have lived there longer than I did! I've lived all across the States but Arizona is the best!!! :)

  3. Thank you for sharing these photos with us! My husband and I have talked about moving to the desert (AZ or the Joshua Tree area), so I love seeing people speak so positively about living there. I hope you are feeling better very soon :)

    1. Hi!! Your name made me laugh out loud!! Besides the movie, it also reminds me of a kid I saw while sitting in a doctor's waiting room. He was holding his hand over his eye, and there was some blood. I'm ashamed to say this but it made me snicker.. terribly mean of me.. and I was grown!! LOL
      If you move there it may be totally different than about 50 years ago when I lived there. But, I think I would still love it there. :)
      I feel okay.. just had a few days of the 'blahs' LOL Not really "sick".
      Hope I see you agai!!

  4. Thank you Kate!!
    At least what few memories I have of my Dad are good ones. One of my sons has been to Tennessee a few times on vacation and I've seen his pictures.. of low, forested rolling hills taken from their hotel patio. Beautiful.
    Thanks for being here Kate!

  5. Omg so cool!! 😎 Thanks for sharing all the pictures! I can definitely see your Dad in you for sure. I remember you told us when he told you there was a little girl who had a little curl right in the middle of her forehead! When she was good, she was very very good, but when she was bad she was horrid! Haha. That was in the children's book of virtues that I used to read as a kid 😁 There was also the story of the little boy who held his finger in the wall of the dike to save his town from being flooded by the sea, I think in the Netherlands or something. Did you ever read that story? I was never good at story I appreciate your stories! I can draw but whenever I try to make up a story it just starts sounding like someone else's that already exists. I have a good imagination but not when it comes to writing 🤦
    I visited Arizona once a couple years back but wasn't able to stay long or do much.. I remember being impressed with Sedona though! And I also ran right into a cactus LOL I was going up to inspect one of the big ones and there was a small one right in front of it that I didn't see hahaha. Ouch. I don't think I'd like living out there.. I really enjoy hiking in the forest!
    I hope the rest of your day is awesome & relaxing! 💖

    1. Thank you D !!!
      I'm glad you liked the pictures!
      I am AMAZED that you remember that about the poem he recited to me!!!! I almost fell off my chair when I saw that you remembered that!!!! lol Yes, I know that other one also!! I must have had a story book with those in it!!!
      Was you little when you ran into a cactus?!! I laughed out loud at that!!! You saw that I said my little toddler son fell into one!!! lol
      Well, I would love hiking in the forest too.. well, I mean if I was young again!! lol
      Relaxing??.. I was so tired when I went to bed and as soon as I shut my eyes I just woke up.. was like that for two hours!!! Finally I got up and got on here!! LOL
      Thank you for being here!

    2. Hahaha no it was just a few years ago when I ran into the cactus 🤦 I'm just a clutz LOL
      And yes!! I've been told I have a decent memory haha.
      And omg yes hiking in the forest is the best, one time a few years ago, my boyfriend & I were hiking in the blue ridge mountains in Virginia and we couldn't find the end of the trail so we had to go back up the mountain and try to find the way was crazy. We had to stop because we were going back uphill and we were almost out of water, we sat down to rest for a minute but then we heard rustling in the bushes. It was a black bear cub...headed straight for us! I freaked out! We were both out of breath so we couldn't easily run away... The cub saw us and got scared and ran off so we got up immediately and kept hiking back up the mountain before mama bear had a chance to find us (we never saw her thankfully) but it scared me haha. We ended up hiking like 15 mikes that day cuz we got so lost! We didn't see anyone else on the trail all day either haha

    3. Oh my gosh!! That is dangerous to get lost up in there!!! And you are REALLY lucky that baby bear ran away!!!! Wow!!
      That all sounded scary!! I would have freaked out!!!

    4. Haha yes we chugged water as soon as we found our way back to the car.. thankfully we made it out before it got too dark!
      Oh I forgot to say too Grandma, my mom said the same thing to me in high school! I was quiet and she said maybe they think I'm stuck up, and I was mortified cuz I was NOT lol. I just never fit in. My school was so small though, if you didn't fit in, there weren't enough other kids to make up any other groups so oh well haha. I got used to it and didn't care cuz I wasn't interested in being a "cool" kid anyways. My school was so small my high school graduating class was only 8 kids!!

    5. Well, I didn't want to be cool either but I just didn't like mostly being ignored. lol

  6. Hi grandma! Im here from your vlog, I can never remember the difference between a vlog and a blog LOL

    It was so interesting to read about the different photos and about your life, it's nice that youve been making things since you were so young! I can be the same when it comes to actually completing a project, looking through all my projects and stories i've completed very few but that lets me always come back to it :)

    1. This helps me remember, cuz "video" starts with V for Vlog :)

    2. I my sweet Guppy!!
      The difference is that I'm on camera on a Vlog.. on YouTube. But this Blog is in a separate place and does not use a camera. It's a separate sight from YT. :) Does that help? :)
      What D said, below your post, is a really good way to remember!!
      I was just looking back at some of the things I've started to write through the years, the other day. I thought, 'wow, I should try to finish that' but I have never finished any of that old stuff. Only since I started writing for all of you on my YT channel!! lol
      Hope to talk to you again!!

    3. I meant "Hi" at the beginning, Guppy, not "I" LOL

  7. What a handsome man your father was! Yes, you look like his daughter. I love the Grade School picture especially the colorized one, nice job to whoever did that! What a perfect Cactus Garden. Arizona is pretty wonderful. I can't stop picking up rocks even in my backyard lol. Our house is full of them. I've always been a Rockhound and Arizona is the perfect place for that. I thought it was like a different planet after moving to Tucson from New York City in 1996. I wish you were still in AZ Shirley. Thanks for the Post!

    1. Hi Loretta!!
      Yeah, I thought my Dad looks pretty handsome way back then when he was young. :)
      It was fun gathering all those cactus plants illegally out of the desert, and picking up all those rocks out in the desert! lol I was in my 30's then and I will show one a rock I kept, on here, after I get moved and get stuff unpacked.
      I can imagine that was quite a difference for you moving from NY to AZ!!!

  8. Beautiful moments, thank you for sharing, baba, they're so nice to see, and photos of you are so cute! :) And your father.. what a great looking guy - didn't he go on to play Superman in the 80s?? haha :p Seriously a spitting image of Chrisopher Reeves. The photo in Arizona is my favourite.. it must have been an incredibly soulful and happy experience.. and it must be strange that there is a city there now.. I feel a bit like that on the land I came back to.. I used to come here 40 years ago on holidays as a child.. it was all fields and woodland as far as the eye could see, and now most of it is just an extension of Warsaw suburbs with lots of roads, segmented plots and villas, and lots of hedges and fences! I've had a lot of wildlife, boars and deers for example, getting stuck in my land, trying to run away from all the construction... Kinda sad but, it shows why we must always keep moving, really.. Things will always change, all the time. and all these moments will be lost in that time like tears in rain, as the late great Rutger Hauer once said.. But let's be happy we were part of it and were really there.. I feel an immense pride in us who saw these things and appreciated them.
    Anyway sorry to go on as well. :) Hope you feel better, it's probably just the weather and air pressure - it's all a bit weird around the world at the moment. Take it easy, and let me know if you wouldn't mind another "recharge" package like before.. :)
    Lots of love.

    1. Hi Alek!!! Great to see you!!
      I'll answer the end of your wonderful comment first... I wouldn't mind another 'recharge' package at all! Any time!! :)
      I did love my experience in Arizona but Lake Havasu was just getting started and my husband was in aircraft and the only place for him to work was a small helicopter place, with not much work! We finally had to move on to California (and we lived in the desert there also, thank goodness) where he went to work at Lockheed.
      The description you gave between the fields and woodlands and then what it turned into was sad. It's like when I'm looking at the beautiful country side and then you come to all the highways looped around in overpasses.. near Los Angles in California I've seen them stack three high. If I was driving myself I would get so lost not knowing where to go or how!!
      Then I really think about what all we have lost with so much growth of highways and constructions, and housing editions etc. etc.
      I am feeling better. It's just been sort of the 'blahs' and like you said, weather and air pressure etc.
      Please write again! :)

    2. Ok cool, next side-quest accepted! I'll let you know. :)
      Yeah, the changing landscapes actually make my brain spin when I see how accelarated it all is now... I guess we've now got to the point where we really are just filling up the world and taking over and using every part of it.. and with the growing population it's only going to all build up quicker and quicker unfortunately... We just gotta roll with it, but take our own good time doing so, and keep just finding our own peaceful bubbles to be in. :)
      I love how you were right there as a pioneer too though.. Arizona, Californian desert, Lockheed, and a brave new world.. I would have loved to have been there myself instead of growing up in the gutters of London hah..
      Anyway, I'm off back to the garden for a bit! Stay strong and happy baba! :)

    3. LOL! Thanks Alek for a coming side-quest!!
      I think that is why I have always live in small towns. The only city I lived in was in communities on the edges of a big town..
      Hope you enjoyed the rest of your time in the garden!!

  9. I like all your pictures, but most of all Arizona picture. It is such cool and beautiful place. I think, for all of us there are such places we feel are meant for us somehow, they just fit us. It sounds slightly weird, I know :) For me it is a old-growth, primal forests, I feel so alive in forest, as though my true self is coming out of shell. I feel connected with ancient people living in the wilderness, hunting, gathering things. What a fantasy, lol
    Why do you love Arizona, Shirley, may I ask?
    Bumble Bee (on youtube).

    1. Hi Bumble Bee!!
      I'm glad you enjoyed my pictures!!
      You almost told that like a little story.. I was really seeing it! :)
      At first you made me think of you as wood nymph! I liked that!
      In Arizona I loved the fact that it was hot, but dry.. and I didn't sweat all the time! lol Also I lived in the desert and in the spring it was full of flowers because all the cactus plants were in bloom. I loved exploring the desert, constantly picking up beautiful rocks.. I collected them. I was in my 30's then and I still have one of those rocks! I'll have to show it on here some time. I can't right away because half my stuff is packed for the move to my new apartment! But I will later.. if I forget, remind me!!! lol And I loved all the many different kinds of cactus plants, and the lizards, and finding old abandoned mining towns and mines.

    2. A wood nymph! How cool, I like it!
      Yes the desert is full of contrasts and so well worth exploring. Old abandoned mining towns and mines sounds like a dream :) I have collection of stones too, just can't get past beautiful rocks :) It would be wonderful to see your collection. How do your organize it? My rocks are scattered on bookshelves, windowsills and the large portion is in the big transparent bowl (sometimes I fill it with water).

    3. That sound really cool, what you do with your rocks!! Well that rock that I'm going to show one of these days is the only one I kept from the desert. Anything else I have is what viewers have sent me and I've shown them in many vlogs! lol

  10. How neat to see you as a kid. Cute photo. It's interesting that you loved living in Arizona because I always think of how hot it is there and it sounds miserable. lol I want mountains and a lot of snow. Thank you for sharing your photos and a little bit of background. It was fun to read.

    1. Thank you!! It's nice to know you enjoyed it!!
      Now, see, I'm just the opposite.. I hate the cold and snow! LOL
      Also, I would not like living in Florida because when I visited there it was always humid and I sweated constantly!!
      But in Arizona there was no humidity and it was dry and I didn't feel the heat so badly. Of course I don't know what it's like there now! lol

  11. Wow all those images are amazing! I particularly love the Arizona photo. It reminds me a lot of the trips I took with my family to the middle of nowhere in the Outback (I did not enjoy them back then but now I can appreciate them). People often say how different Australia and America are but I have a suspicion that we might be more similar than we let on! Thanks for the photos Grandma have a great day.

  12. Thank you Oliver!!
    I'm glad you enjoyed this! I'll bet the desert part looks similar. That's too bad you didn't enjoy those trips then. But I know what you mean. I've felt a little nostalgic about some experience back-when, which I didn't enjoy at the time. Thanks for you comment. Hope I see you some more! :)

  13. How cute you were as a child! I do think you look like your father too. When my children were little so many times they'd try and convince me to carry large rocks home for them, but I would only let them give me small ones. Of course then they gave me many small rocks instead. I can't talk, because I always bring home rocks myself. My youngest used to find and give me heart-shaped rocks and I still have a few of those - so cute!

    1. I only picked up big rocks to decorate with out in the yard. The small ones put on bookshelves inside. I only have that one, now, that I will show one of these days. :) Of course now I have all the ones viewers send me. they are packed for moving, in mesh, velvet an leather little bags! :) I still pick them up and look at them, even now. Hardly ever keep one though. :)
      I'm glad you liked that picture of me as a child! lol

  14. Hi there 'Sub' !!
    Who knows what I was really up to in that picture!! lol
    Oh my, I cried and cried after she cut my hair!!
    Hey, I've been all kinds of different things growing up and getting older!! Some not so good!!! lol
    I know that looks dorky.. watering a cactus garden.. and I think about that every time I look at that picture. But I had just finished planting them all and figured they needed watered in, before I left them a week or two without any more. lol
    I can remember sometime in my 30's that I seemed to make an about-face when I just changed from that shy quiet person to an outgoing, laughing, talking individual !! I don't know how that happened, but I do remember how sudden the change was. Weird!!
    I have been addicted to gaming for so many years, but I've always been that same way about writing. I love to write and am so glad that now I'm actually finishing something!! LOL
    Hope to see you next time.

  15. I would never have guessed any of those pictures are you, Grandma.

    1. Rencie, I can hardly believe it myself!!! I got old!! I got old!!!
      LOL Shirley

  16. Like someone else already said, it’s very interesting to hear about your younger days :)) You definitely don’t say too much, the more details the better, in my opinion :D Hope you’re having a great day, grandma!

    1. Thank you Erica! I'll try my best to try to remember to say more!
      Shirley :)

  17. I love learning about your life and seeing old photos. My sister went to college in Arizona and lived there for a number of years -- so my husband and I would go visit her quite frequently and we always loved it. My sister misses living there even now. Love the old photographs.

  18. Hi grandma! Lorena 'Sub' reporting here.

    I think that when we're young, we try to take ourselves very seriously, we have big ideas and big plans. We all know that at 20 we already know everything there's to know (Ha!).

    As life goes on, I think people stop taking themselves so seriously and start focusing on enjoying life and the good things, what other people think stops mattering and we just try to make the best of our time here, after all, life hardly ever goes 100% the way we planned.

    I'm 24 now and I'm very 'serious,' I have journals with plans and plans and planning, I have a checklist I cross every day. I'm the kind of person that has the entire day planned out before even getting out of bed! But lately I've been becoming a bit more spontaneous and I'm not as shy or get embarrassed as easily, perhaps I'm becoming a bit more chaotic, but I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing.

    Has your taste in videogames changed with time as well?

  19. I'm glad you enjoy hearing me talk about myself! LOL When I remember to! I'll try to more often. :)
    Since I've been old I thought about moving back to Arizona but I knew that as my health.. or 'well being'.. failed I should stay around family (which I have from one coast to the other. LOL But I'd love to be in Arizona.

  20. Hello 'Sub' Lorena!! You should sign your name after you post here.. Just for my benefit, please. lol
    I agree with what you said, but now that you are changing a little bit don't think it's at all a bit chaotic. I call it growing up, and relaxing a little bit with living! :) It's a much more enjoyable way to live!! What all you said you did (or DO) each day would drive me crazy, and it's no fun!! Loosen up!! :)
    Being spontaneous helps a person discover new things, new attitudes, newer more fun ways to live. Go for it!!! Please don't ever think of that as chaotic. It's like you said.. growing up... and it's relaxing more with life hands you. :)
    (PS Loved your comment!)

  21. Hey Mama! It is lovely to see pictures of you when you were young! <3 I have to say, you do look a lot like your father! And I get being upset about having your hair cut short! You were a lovely young lady still! I went to a beauty parlor once, and did not pay attention to the stylist, and she cut my hair from my waist almost to my shoulders... I was in tears too.

    Having divorced parents could not have been easy, especially with not being able to see your father again. But I am sure your mother did the best she could for you. And you had lovely stories that came out of your head, like the stories you had whilst playing Skyrim, and others.

    Four boys! Wow! I cannot imagine raising 4 boys. I had 4 brothers, and we would get into scraps all the time. Your poor little one, falling into a cactus! Ouch!

    Love to you and yours from your "daughter" and "Dad" .

    1. Hi!!! Happy to see you today!!!
      I have to say something about the end of your note first!!.. LOL.. That is so funny!! You two are married and if you are like a daughter and he is like my dad... well.. pretty weird! But that is so funny and I understand!!!! :)

      I'm glad different ones are saying I resemble my Dad!! And, thank you for your sweet compliment to me! :)

      Yep, I think telling stories is some kind of "gene" I was born with!!

      I always wanted a girl so bad, because I wanted do with them the things I had done as a child. With boys I had to learn all new "skills"... like drawing map games and rolling little cars around on them. Shooting marbles, riding bikes, and stuff boys like to do! lol

      Well, I had quit playing Skyrim but I'm getting the "itch" again... that didn't last long did it? LOL I think I'm going to start from the original beginning and see how long I can play without getting bored. Like, my very first recorded game was over 300 videos! I've never made one even near that long since then!! I will play it more like I did that first one also, instead of making up a particular story around a character like all my others are.. so I'll have to make up an 'unpersonalized' title for it.

      Well I'm going to go. It's almost noon and I never even ate breakfast! Gotta' eat!! :)

  22. Those pictures are very nice. I love going through my familys old photo albums. Sometimes while looking through the older pictures, I imagine the lives they all must have lived.

    1. Are your parents with you? If so, do you ever talk with them while looking at the older pictures and ask them about various things? I wish I could have done that!
      I'm glad you enjoyed my pictures. See you on the next post and visit! :)

    2. Hello! Fortunately my parnets are still with me, my great great grandparents (on my mothers side) established a homestead where I live well over 100 years ago. But most things about there early lives where a mystery. The last one from the orignal family passed away this past year. And on my dad's side of the family we know aboslutly nothing because my grandfather wasn't really close with any of his (many) children, so many things about his family was lost when he passed.

    3. That's always a shame, looking back after people are gone, that information had not been collected from them... it was that way in my family too!!

    4. Sounds a bit like me, Garrett.. Learn as much as you can from the land.. and speak to some older neighbours.. I did that here and I have had some nice surprises when people say "yes I remember your great grandmother tending to the fields up on your hill" etc.. It's been quite emotional actually..

  23. Hi Grandma Shirley!

    Those pictures you shared are so cool! I was shy and bashful too growing up. My Dad taught my brother and I to ride bikes too! It took us awhile though, I remember he'd say just keep pedaling, but we'd get too scared and stop and fall. We eventually got it though haha.

    That picture of Arizona is really cool! I don't think I've ever seen a desert before, I've always wanted to go! It looks so peaceful and quiet. It reminds me of Fallout New Vegas!

    I remember growing up in a part of Texas that was just starting to get built, we were some of the first people in the neighborhood. Now it's so overgrown and they have about 8 high schools in the area haha.

    I hope you have a great weekend! I've got nothing on the calendar this weekend, my favorite! :)

    1. Hi Jeffrey!!
      Glad you enjoyed the pitures!!

      One of my brothers taught me how to ride a bike. I can remember riding it, but I can't really remember learning how. I'm sure I fell a lot! !!

      I hope you get to go to check out Arizona someday and if you do go in the Spring, it blooms so beautifully! That is if every part of the desert doesn't have towns and suburbs built all over it by now!!!

      What you said about Texas is exactly what it was like when I moved to AZ!! A developer was just starting with a tiny community. We left before it really got going but it is a city now! I haven't been back though.

      Well, if you have nothing on the calendar this weekend I hope you come up with something fun to do.... gaming, reading, going somewhere.. whatever. Or go walking! :)

      Well, I'm going to go eat and then find whatever I want to do today. :)

  24. The pictures are lovely. I think because back in the day taking and developing pictures was such a hassle, both money and time wise, people really cherished the act of taking a photo and gave it more importance, and it tells (apart from now, when you can take thousands of digital pictures and pick the ones that look the best). I was wondering, as you said in your vlogs, that you enjoyed music concerts, if you went to any big ones and have pictures from those times. Did you catch the hippie movement actively? I find it such a fascinating part of USA history and I think it was really cool to live and be young in those times.

    1. Hi Ale!!

      I agree with how much easier it is to take pictures now. And, I remember the old box cameras etc. lol
      Yes, I went to two or three rock concerts with my oldest son who was probably in his 20's about that time. I remembered for years who they were, but since my stroke last year there are things that I no longer can dig out of my brain! LOL I just talked to that son today!! But the next time I will ask him, he'll know! Yes, I was only a little involved in the hippie movement. I was older and it was fading out by then.
      I went to another type concert with my second oldest son sometime after he was married, I'll have to ask him also.
      But no, we weren't taking any pictures at those times.
      I'll bet a lot of young people these days think about what it was like then. But the drug problem these days is bad! I think it would be boring!! Just sitting around with a phone in your hand, which they all do, and drugged out! At least then there were big crowds at huge outdoor concerts, and the drugs didn't seem as much or as bad. I think then it was mostly marijuana.
      Well, enough nostalgia for me!! LOL
      Later 'dude' lol

  25. Hi my friend!!!
    Always glad when you post!!! :)
    That's weird that we had similar experiences in school .. was not a happy time! :)
    That part about parting your hair.. No, I never heard of that!!! They mad up some funny "rules" didn't they!!?? lol
    I am very glad I had such an imagination as a child! Even to this day, if Im sitting drinking a coffee in an open area in a shopping mall, I watch people and make up stories.. it must be built into my 'genes' ! LOL
    Loved the desert and sorry you only experience it in a game!LOL
    Oh the kids helped me a lot!! lol But I think they got too use to it because I had a picture (don't know what happened to it) showing one of my sons with his hand drawn back getting ready to through something at his younger brother who was squated down looking at a flower, (a rock I suppose)! lol I hope I snapped the picture and stopped him. I have no memory of it. lol
    Well, we'll talk more later!

  26. Hello grandma!!

    Those are nice pictures of the past, I wonder if you have any where you tried out a wild new style?

    Also, I understand being shy and having everyone think that you're just "stuck up", maybe get to know the person first before deciding who they are? Anyway that is a handsome picture of your father. Why was it illegal to gather rocks in Arizona?

  27. I have no idea, it just was. Maybe they were afraid after so many years of that .. the desert would be bare lol

  28. Hi Grandma!

    I have been resting with a headache the past couple of day, so weird because I almost never get headaches! I'm happy to be back to normal!! I hope you have improved as well!

    I'm not sure where he got the hair parting thing, I know as a child he lived in a boys farm and training school, maybe it was their strange hair rule.

    Yes, you're a natural story-teller (and speaking of stories, I am really enjoying Dorkly's story!) I hope you enjoy writing it as much as we all enjoy hearing it!

    Ha, that picture of your son in the middle of throwing something at his sibling sounds like something my brother and I would do to each other... best friends and mortal enemies at the same time! :D

    Talk to you soon!
    Chris <3

  29. Sorry about your headache!! Glad your better!
    I get them very seldom also and I'm like, "where did you come from?"! LOL
    I'm glad you like the things I write! I'm having a great time writing Dorkly, but I want to get him to an end so I can go ahead with the short mystery I wanted to write.
    Yeah, my son's could get a little feisty but basically they were very good.... NOTHING like kids I see today!! But yes, a lot of kids are like what you said.. best friends but mortal enemies! LOL

  30. Hi Shirley! This is GamerJema. I absolutely was not allowed to log in for this comment, so I just do it like this.

    This was a wonderful post! Both nostalgic and funny.
    It's so sad that you only knew your father for six years. Do you know what became of him, if I can ask? In any case, you do look alike. I remember I once ran my photo through a "see yourself as the opposite sex"-filter, and I suddenly lookes like my dad. :p I wasn't aware how alike we were before that.

    Your place back in Arizona looks so warm, but awesome. Think I've seen that picture before, on Twitter maybe. I've always liked warm, arid areas like that, at least from afar lol. I don't know if I could live like that, being very accustomed to Norway's colder and wet climate. But in games, those areas are always my favourites.

    I can totally see that it's you in all those pictures! Isn't it funny that a person, wether they're a kid or older, you can tell it's the same person. We carry our traits our entire lives. :) And yeah your hair was gorgeous, but honestly it still is. You're lucky, you've got so much hair! I'm only 35 and my hair is rather thin. I doubt I'll have a mane like yours when I'm at your lvl. Thin hair runds in my family (which is the main reason why I buzzed it).

  31. Well it's on here and when you use your name, like you did, I see it so it doesn't matter if it says Anonymous .. your here and you added your name .. so you're here! :)
    I really don't know anything about my father.. well, except that LONG time ago he past away in his 90's. That's all.
    I loved Arizona better than any where I've lived and I've lived from on side of the States to the other! Oh I posted that picture somewhere or other before!
    That is funny to me that others can see me in those photos!! I don't think I resemble them at all now!! It's funny how we see things and how others do. Oh my .. you don't see my hair close up! It is so thin that in the back you can see more scalp peeking through than you can hair!!! I may have to show you all my hair, close up and behind in a vlog some day!!!
    I'm trying to eat and type.. that's hard!! lol

  32. Lol well ok! I shouldn't feel good about other people's thinning hair, but that made me feel better about my own. 😂

  33. I absolutely adore reading about "old life" things, and listening to stories of old it's honestly amazing that you not only have your own channel but also are able to share parts of your life like this. Thank you this absolutely made my day. Since my Great Grandmother passed 4 years ago, I haven't heard a good story since until now! Can't wait for more!

    1. Thank you Cory!! I'll try to remember to talk more about things from my past life, which is a good thing for a Blog, and I seem to get too caught up in the "Now" most of the time! :)

  34. Here I finally am! 😁

    Ooh, but those photos are lovely!
    (I wouldn't recognize you in the first pic, I will freely admit 😜😝)
    I'm sure others have said so already, but you and your father share many facial features 😊

    And sneaky sneaky you, building a delightful cactus corner stone by literal stone, haha! 😁😁 Nice to know you had such enthusiastic helpers 😊

    I love going through old photos and looking for familiar faces, surprising resemblances and resurfacing memories - I am actually (very slowly, lol) putting together a proper photoalbum of my life so far & I have a few pages at the beginning dedicated to my various ancestors 🙂
    It's so interesting to chat with relatives and discovering what they recall about people long gone, yet still preserved for us thanks to the flash of a camera...!

    Do you have an album or two or three? Or just heaps of photos in various boxes? 😊😁

    Thank you for sharing these! Have a lovely day! 😊

  35. Thank you Hervissa!!!
    Yep, stone by stone and plant by plant!! LO
    I know I would enjoy sitting with you and looking through the album you are putting together! :)
    I may have one album. I don't have hardly any 'old' photos. As I was growing up and getting older I didn't seem to care if I had any or not. Now, I would love to have some... 😢

  36. Lindas fotos! Obrigado por compartilhar esses pequenos momentos especiais. É sempre um prazer. ❤️

  37. It's always a pleasure reading your comments! Thank you for liking these pictures of my younger days! lol

  38. Love documentaries and stories about people's lives so much value in getting to see life from another's view

    1. Thank you Zach!! I'm glad you enjoyed the younger me. lol
