Friday, June 9, 2023

Another Beautiful Day!!

 Good Morning Everyone!!!

It's another one of those beautiful days we've been having here!!  Gets hot during the middle of the day but that's okay,  I'm inside and busy then.

Here is a picture of our fountain. I can sit on the patio and look at this or,  inside with the door open I can slightly hear it,  which is nice.


In the spring,  by the time they ever get this cleaned and filled and turned on I am getting quite anxious..  like,  hurry up!!   LOL   But,  they painted the inside and outside this year so it looks so new and fresh and clean!!

The birds LOVE playing in the spouts of water!  It's like they are having fun flying through it,  back and forth.  I love watching them.  Of course they also sit on the edge of that black center piece,  dipping their heads to the water to take drinks.

It is more comfortable to sit outside to enjoy them,  but I usually stand in my doorway for a while enjoying them.   Why??  Because of  PEOPLE!!   Kids either come out farther up the court and the only way they know how to play is if they are screaming!  Also, there is a guy about 4 or 5 apts.  up that loves to come out in the best part of the day (when I want to sit outside!!) and turn his radio on blasting loud as though he thinks all of us wants to hear it!!!  I just pick my stuff up and go back inside and SLAM  the door.  But he doesn't care!! lol

If it's not that, it's some other person has to come out from across the way, on the opposite side, and venture over to  "chat" (asking questions about my YouTube)  "Sigh" .....

And of course almost everyone has a small yapping dog,  which I can't stand, because, when they are out there all they want to do is bark!!

Here is a picture of the fountain when winter came early last year and it had frozen before they emptied it and turned it off.

I hope you are all able to enlarge the pictures I put on here so that you can really see them!

At least this is where I get to sit out on my patio once in a great while!!

Well,  I guess I'll go and do something 'useful'... 

         I don't know what......

                         but, I'll think of something.....

                                        See Ya' !!!


  1. Shirley, we have your ice cream back in stock. I've got some set in back for you. Brad

    1. Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!! Have you been here or on my YT channel before as Anonymous?? (Hope you come by again and sign your name again!!!!! :)

    2. First post. I prefer to comment to you directly ;-)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I thought it was a pool for a second but that fountain does look nice, Grandma.

    1. No, not a pool. I love sitting out there, or inside, and looking at that and listening to it, but especially watching the birds play flying back and forth through the center spray!! lol

    2. Okay, so, I just wanna know, can you swim?

    3. Well, I could. It's been so many LONG years since I've ever been swimming I really wonder whether I could now.. or not! LOL

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. That fountain looks beautiful Grandma! Especially when its frozen over. Like an old wizard froze it just to be cruel lol. Also very excited for the next installment of Dorkly, I think I'll get a chance to watch it this afternoon.

    1. I love the way it froze!! Now I usually think of cool things like that about an old wizard cruelly freezing it, but you did! You're good!! :)
      Hope you enjoy the story when you get to watch it! :)

  5. Very pretty fountain Shirley. Im sorry that people are jerks and you cant enjoy it as much. I hope youll have a nice place to sit and relax outside when you move. Did you say you had a balcony in the new place?

  6. Loretta, it's not a 'balcony' it's a raised deck patio. They are going to put a very small fountain beside it, down on the ground. It's all going to be much better than here!! :)

    1. Looking forward to Vlogs from the Deck... and um What flavor Ice Cream was that?

    2. Grandma, will you still be in Ohio when you move?

    3. That's great. I think I'm going to try to look at the blog more often, so I can see new posts. Despite how busy I am, I will fit it in because this genuinely feels like that quality grandparent bond I've always wanted.

    4. I won't be posting here everyday but I hope you get a notification or something!!

    5. Working on it, Gram

    6. Yes Rencie, I'll still be in Ohio and still be in the same town.. just on a different street ! But my P.O. Box # will stay the same, and everything else.

  7. Hey Mama...that is a pretty fountain, and I bet it is very nice when you can enjoy it in peace. I understand your frustration about having your quiet time interrupted by the dogs, kids, and people who think others want to hear their music.

    Well, just tell yourself it is not for much longer, soon you will be with your son and his wife, and be able to enjoy the little fountain they will have on the deck for you!

    Hope you are having a good day today. All our love to you and yours. <3

    1. Thank you! I wish you had signed your name! I have other's called Anonymous on here.
      Yes, I'm pretty excited about the move.

    2. Goodness, I thought I was signed's Mirage 😘

    3. Hi!!! So glad you are here! I hope you will be enjoying my BLOG!!! :)

  8. Hi, grandma! I just started watching you on YouTube after discovering the Shirley follower mod. It’s very wholesome to bring ‘you’ along on my adventures :)) The fountain is very nice, it reminds me a little of the College of Winterhold. I can’t remember if there actually is a fountain there, but it looks like it could fit right in.
    I hope you’re having a good day today!

    1. Hi Erica!!
      I'm glad you came here to my Blog!
      I love the fountain out there, although I don't get to sit out there very often to enjoy it! I can see why it reminds you of the College!! :)
      I'm glad you have my mod and that you are taking me on your adventures!! Have you asked me enough questions to be hearing some of my little stories I tell you?

    2. I haven’t gotten to play all that much recently (preparing for my high school exams), so I haven’t asked that many questions, but I’m planning on playing later today (just finished my last exam). I’ll definitely do it then :)) Excited to hear about it all :))

    3. I know you're going to be glad to be done with exams!! Hope they all turn out good!! :)

  9. That fountain looks beautiful, I have a nice little birdbath where blue Jay's and some red birds like to splash in, for some reason pigeons don't, and I like pigeons!

    Isn't there a time of day when no one is out? I think once summer is over and the kids go back to school, you'll have more peaceful days, though you may already have moved by then.

  10. Hi Fernando!
    Yes, I will have moved by then! :)
    I love it when I occasionally get to sit out on my patio and listen to the fountain and the birds!! Glad you have a birdbath that you can enjoy!!

    1. Ah, then I hope there's a bird bath in your son's yard, those cuties need entertainment and refreshment too! And humans to watch them.
      Will it be more peaceful in your new abode?

    2. Oh my yes!!! It will be totally peaceful!!! They are going to put a small, normal sized birdbath by my patio!!! :) I will take care of the birds! :)

    3. Ooh!! You'll have so many things to post in the coming months! Like the cute birds in your bird bath and you eating a turkey leg!!!

      Peace is but a few moments away.

    4. LOL!!! Well, I won't be eating a turkey leg!! LOL

  11. The water in the fountain looks so blue & pretty! I'm sorry you're having so many issues.. I'm glad it will be more relaxing when you move! I hope that all goes smoothly for you!

    1. Thanks D!! They did a great job painting the fountain!!! Yep I'll be glad to be away from all the kids here... but I won't be happy not being a street away from Walgreens!!! :( The move will go smoothly. :)
      Thanks for talking to me!!

  12. Oooh, the fountain is really gorgeous! 🤩
    (I am a simple woman: I see splashing water and my brain goes YAY! 😁😁)
    But really, having something green and something water-y in one's vicinity does wonders for the soul 😊

    Am not surprised the birds enjoy it so much! A reliable water source is a marvel for them, especially as the temperatures go up...
    Come to think of it, not sure if I ever asked you - do you have a birdfeeder? 😊😁 (That's my favourite way of bird-watching -- bold and brazen gangs of sparrows vs the occasional Zorro-like nuthatch vs carefree and loud doves... 😁)

    Birdsong can be annoying sometimes too, of course, but it has nothing on human-made noises -- especially that radio-enthusiast you mentioned! 🙄🙄
    Alas, we all gotta coexist somehow 😝 At least you can shut the door when it gets too loud!

    Will you have some green area in the vicinity after you move? 😊

    Take care, have fun!

  13. Hi Hervissa!
    I enjoy listening to that fountain, but my kids are getting me just a small fountain to set on the ground beside my deck at their house. :)
    No I don't have a bird feeder. I enjoy the fountain with the sound, more than the mess around and on a bird fidder.
    I loved the description you gave to birds!!! lol
    There house is in a 'neighborhood'... a huge front yard and huge back yard! Lots of green area!!
    My granddog, Luigi, will come up the steps from the yard to my deck to see me, and down the hall to my door to want in and see me!! lol I can't wait!!! And, I will go down my steps and play with him in the yard!!

  14. Hi baba, I thought I'd stop by and say hello!
    I've just been doing a lot of gardening and spending time outside, so not been around online much. I learnt that if I don't sort the area around the house in spring here it, turns into a fern, bramble, and insect-ridden jungle woodland very quickly!
    It's nice to see outside your place! That fountain is very "zen", I really like it. I love the sound of running water nearby too.
    I totally know what you mean about the kids - hopefully you are moving soon, though right? My problem here are dogs.. There's one in a nearby plot which just yelps and yelps and barks and barks all day when his owner is out at work... It's usually really quiet and peaceful here so once you get a sound like that just breaking through it all, it completely spoils it. I'm thinking of throwing some meatballs over with a valium inside... maybe you can try the same with sweets for the kids or in a cake for your neighbour! haha.. I'm joking of course, but I can't say the thought hasn't crossed my mind when the yapping gets really bad! I also have half-deaf older neighbour too who does the radio thing, but I don't have the heart to ask him to turn it down really... Plus he often plays some nice easy-listening classics so that's not so bad.. hah.. Maybe one day we will have proper laws about noise pollution too.. that would be good actually. :)
    Anyway, I hope you're feeling good recently! I'll be catching up on your videos soon. Hope you have a lovely week!

  15. Hello Alek! It's really nice hearing from you!!
    I need to be doing some gardening.. weeding actually.. is that gardening? LOL
    When I get moved my daughter-in-law showed me a picture of a small trickling water garden feature she got to put near my deck!! I'm so excited!! I can hardly wait to show off pictures after I move!!
    Oooohh... I like that idea of sticking a valium in a meatball or some candy for the dogs and kids!!! lol
    Well, the owner where ever I've lived in apartments before had a 10:00pm curfew for noise! That was for inside radios Tv's etc. Here I don't think they care about noise anywhere, anytime!!
    But, I'll be moving soon!! Happy day!! LOL
    Today I met a Great Dane!! They are so wonderful and sweet!! A lady in the neighborhood was walking him and he acted like he didn't want me to leave.. he was so sweet!!! I always had big dogs! I never had a dog after I had to start living in apts... just doesn't seem fair to the animal or the neighbors.
    Life comes first Alek, so watch when you can!! :) Thank you for being here!!

    1. haha, I just read this, great stuff. I'll be very happy to see your new garden soon too.. and yes weeding counts! that's about most of what I do too really, it seems, but it really does seem to keep the sunflowers and gooseberries and other nice plants I got going much happier this year... I've never been a gardener in my life, never had a good one in London.. so this is all quite a lot of fun for me now actually. :) Would highly recommend doing as many fun things that you have space for in the new place and see how they turn out!
      Great danes are so grand and beautiful, but you did the right thing not having one in an apartment of course.. Although I would recommend a cat, of course. :)) I might get rescue an old "yard barker" one day though if and when I've sorted a proper house out on my land properly.. only to compete with the neighbour's dogs and scare away kids, really.. haha :)

    2. You sound like fun!!! LOL!!
      I had a garden here, but I won't have a garden there. My daughter-in-law takes care of their yard.. I will be living in an
      "in-law" apt attached to their house. I'll have my own deck!! :)

    3. Aww that's a shame but I'm sure you can ask the daughter--in-law if you can have a spot for a couple of things in the yard.. There are also plenty of things you can do even on a balcony, a terrace, a window sil, etc. Maybe some herbs going, some cacti, a couple of venus fly traps (they are loads of fun hah!)... I'm sure it'll be great there anwyay. I hope you do have a bit of good outside space there too though! :)

    4. I was joking about the cacti by the way!! :D

    5. Oh it's going to be nice there whatever I do. Don't want to get into plants much... would take my away from the PC and out of the PC ROOM!!! I'm going to be in love with that.
      (No cacti)

  16. That’s a lovely fountain grandma! I love watching the little birds play outside to and sing their little songs! We’ve got so many birds where I live out in my backyard. Mostly those little red cardinals like you like! Mia and I love watching them!

    1. Hi Kate!
      I do enjoy listening to that fountain, but my daughter-in-law is going to put a stacked rock small fountain beside my deck at their place! :) Yes, I do like red cardinals.. maybe because they are my favorite color?! :)

  17. That looks so therapeutic, well maybe expect the dogs LOL

    1. Hi Guppy!
      It is very calming to listen to a fountain.. and you're right.. NOT the dogs! LOL

  18. Hi Grandma! That fountain is fabulous! I'm glad they maintain it so the little birds can enjoy it. I would do the same thing you do, enjoy it from afar and avoid all the human/canine noise from the equation. I hope your new place is a bit more peaceful then where you are now. I have a big pine tree beside my window and I have a great view of the birds as they collect little bits from the tree.

    As for your neighbour and his chit chat, hey, you're kinda famous,
    so to others, you belong to the world! I also have many neighbours and I have my share of chats in the lobby. I am a bit of an introvert so it is all profoundly uncomfortable! At least they are polite for the most part!!

    I do miss having a yard and just chilling in a private, quiet place. Maybe I will again someday, who knows?!

    I'm off to your next blog, see you there!! xox Chris

  19. Hi xtenet,
    Just getting back to his post to check comments!! Nice to hear things from someone else who shares the same 'bits and pieces' of life! lol
    Where I'm moving to.. an attached apt. to my son's house.. will be quiet, and peaceful and feel much more like "home". :)

  20. I also have a tough time sitting on my patio! I live in a complex and I am on the first floor but my third floor neighbors have flower pots that overhang their balcony and when they water the flowers all the water drips through and onto my patio :(

    1. Wow! I would be upset!! They should think of getting pots that have a good tray made onto the bottom and not water it any more than what that will hold! Wow!

    2. Shirley, I was able to build my courage up after I got water spilt on me today to go talk with them! I was very nervous but they were actually super kind and we worked something out :) I feel a lot better now

    3. I'm very glad to hear that Kat!! Good for you!! And I'm glad they were nice about it! :)

  21. I managed to log in again! Yay! :D
    What a beautiful fountain, especially in the frozen picture!
    My parents have a nice garden with lots of trees and thus lots of birds. They keep a little bowl of water for the birds to drink and bathe. In early summer, the birds bring their chicks there, and they are adorable!! Jumping into the water, fluffing their feathers in the water so it splashes everywhere. <3 You've got a fountain AND the cute birds, lucky!

    lol Hearing you complain about the noisy neighbours, I think we're very much alike in that regard. I like hearing and seeing other people nearby, enjoying summer, but when enjoying equals screaming and blasting too loud music etc, it makes it hard for ME to enjoy. I live in the city, and some people in an apartment a few blocks away start living at 11 pm several times a week. Open windows, music so loud several streets away must hear it, no joke. And of course they scream, sounding more like animals for some reason, in unison. I can't imagine what it's like for their actual neighbours!!

  22. It seems like neighbors all around those people would complain so often that the police would be there all the time, until they put them in jail !!!!
