Saturday, July 1, 2023

Very Lazy!.. Not ME!!!... THIS

 Good morning everyone!!

You gotta see this critter!  He is the laziest little dude I've ever seen.  Looks like me some days when I just don't want to do anything!!  

A lizard... not sitting or walking on a branch...  He's just HANGING there!!   LOL

Look at those legs just hanging there?!! LOL   I'm surprised that he can hold his head up a little bit!!  

But I do think this is a cute picture. I really didn't have anything else to say about him.  I just really wanted you all to see him 'cause he's so cute!!  lol                

I'll bet he would let you walk up and touch him.. and roll his eye at you.. keeping an eye out to see what you're up to..  lol             

Nothing else o say

See ya!!  LOL


  1. Such a cute lizard! I feel like that many days lol just want to lay down and relax!

    1. Same with me!! lol Hello Kat, glad to see you here!! :)

  2. Hi Grandma!

    That is one chill lizard! I think he looks like he's all stretched out and taking a break from whatever it is that lizards do! I know very little about reptiles but I think I remember that they are sun worshipers using the sun to warm their long lanky bodies.

    My only hands on experience with reptiles was my nephew's iguana Herman. He was a pretty cool pet and he absolutely loved it when you would rub the top of his little head. He even fell asleep in my arms, he was definitely a chill iguana! Also, he was quite beautiful! :D

    Thanks for sharing that picture, I wish I had one of Herman to share back but you'll have to take my word on it, he was adorable!!

    much love <3 Chris

    1. Hi Chris! I would definitely take your word on it!! lol I loved your description of your Iguana! I think it sounds so cute that it would fall asleep in you arms!!!

  3. Just Chilling. a friend of mine had one and they tend to chill out and slow down during cool weather or the room is just a bit nippy, and if it gets real cold they sleep alot.

    cute little guy, thanks for showing us some chill vibes!

    1. Thank you!! And thanks for telling us some things about the lizards life habits! :)

  4. Good evening grandma :)

    Aw such a nice lizard!! Or argonian lol

    These remind me of the lizards I used to see on holiday in portugal when I was younger. I used to be so frightened of them but I know now they mean no harm. That lizard there looks like he doesn't care about anything, not even staying up on that branch.. he could fall so easily if he doesn't hang on!! He reminds me of me some days where I just wanna have a lazy day :)

    1. Guppy, you are so cute! I love hearing from you! I hope you never leave me!!! :) He does look like he could easily fall off!! Yep! That's how I feel some days also!! LOL

  5. Just hanging out and a chillin' 😂 I would like to say it is a pet of an Argonian lady, who uses it as an ornament when goes out of an evening. My son in law has a little bearded dragon, a little red one; it is so cute! Hope you are doing well. 😊 Love to our girl ❤️ Mirage & Barry

    1. Hi you two!!! I love your little story!! Do you have a picture you can show us of that cool sounding little red bearded dragon?!!
      I have been feeling good most all the time, and have been busy today! :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi Grandma Shirley,

    How cute! He looks so green and wise, and lazy! My old roommate had a gecko and all they do is lay there and look out their glass case. I wish I was able to just sit and be contempt with laying around - I'd be bored out of my mind!

    Every now and again frogs will come around, they're so fearless! They don't mind if you get close or touch them, I wonder if your green friend would mind anyone getting close to it. Even with all the freedom the frog had, it just sat in the same spot for hours and hours lol.

    Have a wonderful day!

  8. Thank you Jeffrey! It is quite intriguing the way different creatures act!! I love he ones you can actually touch and maybe pet a little bit. But I just get so tickle just to look at the way this creature looks. He doesn't care about anything at all!! LOL

  9. Reading this before bed goodnight grandma

    1. Good nigh Sagen.... many many nights ago!!! LOL

  10. I've never had a lizard before, Grandma. Anyway, I still want to either come to Cincinnati so I could meet you because I almost came out to Boston for a day but I was short a few on an Amtrak ticket from Edison to Boston so hopefully we can still make that happen.

    1. If you ever got this way I'd love to meet you. I always enjoy it when a viewer comes to meet me!! :)

    2. I'd be honored to. I mean I've worked so hard on staying positive. I've had so many little goals, I wanna accomplish my biggest small dream of developing that grandparent bond. I've wanted that basically since I was 2 years old.

    3. Well, any time! :) I always meet my viewers downtown at the Village Ice Cream Parlor, or at Doc's Place.

    4. Rencie, this made me cry!! you seem to have learned a very valuable lesson!! It sounds like it was a hard lesson, but it seems to have worked out for the good, in your case!! You have gone through a very hurtful experience, and have come out the other side a better person. God often takes us through hurtful, sad, experiences to bring us out the other side, better, cleaner and more loving. A better person for Him. Your Bible is full to the brim with many many examples of that.
      I'm so glad that you left me this comment; it is greatly appreciated!!! I care about you Rencie!!

    5. Well, since I grew up, left behind the disrespect, I really have worked hard on being kind and positive to others as I see the way I behaved was not cute at all. Even if we never meet and I never get that grandparent bond, I'll still live my life happy and thankful and I will live the rest of my life with a peaceful spirit. Yeah, I could have had that grandparent bond that I always wanted since I was 2 years old if I matured a little earlier, quit running my mouth and started to behave myself according to the rules. I was a kid who didnt know to zip it but now I matured a couple of years ago. My grandparents would be marveled and proud of how I matured. I wish I could meet you, though. Anyway, I'm going to go listen to Faith Evans and take a shower now, Grandma. Have a great day!!!

    6. You have a great day also!!! :)

    7. I would love to send you at least a clip or two of me singing

    8. Very cool!! Please do!! Do you want to do that here or at my email ?

    9. I's on my channel, under Profile I think

  11. Commissioner BaguetteJuly 2, 2023 at 5:45 AM

    Hello there Grandma Shirley! That lizard is so cute and funny! When me and my family would go to Florida for holidays we would see lizards like that scurrying around outside and in the gardens all the time, they were so quick you could barely see them! Not like that cute little lazy guy hanging his legs around there :D. Over here in England you only see them in pet shops. I hope you and him have a most splendid day - Commissioner Baguette :)

  12. Thanks for commenting. When I lived in Virginia they sped around like that real fast outside the apartments!! This little one isn't mine.. that's a picture of him in a 'little creatures' museum! :) I hope YOU have a splendid day and that you talk to me again one of these days. :)

  13. Such a cute little Argonian. True Dragonborn by his blood I guess. xD

  14. He is a cute Argonian!! But, for a Dragonborn, he doesn't seem to do much. LOL

  15. Now that is a Handsome Iguana! I love Lizards! He does look like he could just drop off at any second! Thanks!

  16. Yes he does, Loretta!! lol And if he does drop off he's going to "drop off" that limb!! LOL

  17. If I were a lizard I reckon I would do that all day too! Must be nice lying in the sun all day and not having to work!

    1. Well, Oliver, that's true, but, he could get off the stick and get down and crawl around once in awhile!! He's got to get something to eat and drink once in a while. lol

  18. Back from my trip to Greece, Croatia, Montenegro, and Italy! Things have been busy with getting a job and sorting my stuff out. Glad to be back here though!
    That lizard certainly does look lazy! Must be a comfy stick. I have a Pac Man Frog that is lazy too. He lives in life sitting in dirt and not much else. Very cute though. :)
    I hope you're doing well and had a good 4th!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I would love to but I am not sure how!

  19. Wow! That sounds like a lot of traveling! Can you tell us or show us anything you saw or did during your travels? :)

  20. Hi, grandma! That lizard is very cute, it looks a little bit sassy in that picture, hehe :)) I hope you’re doing okay these days, that you’re healthy and happy and all. Sorry I haven’t commented in a while, I went on vacation and was a little tuned out of everything, which I realise sounds concerning, but it was very nice to just relax for a while after a hectic year :))) My exams didn’t go as well as I’d hoped, though they were still above average, I realise I’ve gotten a little concerned about my chances of getting into the bachelor’s degree and university of my choice in the fall. It means so much to me, and I’ve worked as hard as possible for the last few years, so it’s been occupying my mind 24/7 as of late. I don’t want to bother my family with it too much, but I realise I feel better sharing it here.

    But I’ve still found some time to unwind with video games! My go-to Skyrim character nowadays is an argonian, actually, a heavy armoured, two-handed sword kind of guy :D

    Happy belated 4th of July! Wishing you all the best <33

  21. Thank you so much, grandma, I’ll let you know the moment the university responds! For now, I’ll see about getting my argonian into the Dawnguard :))

  22. With Shirley as my follower, of course :))

  23. Todos temos dias como os desse lagartinho. Hahahahah 🦎😂❤️

  24. Yes, at my age... 87.. I have way too many of them!! LOL

  25. Have been away, am finally back here! 😁😁
    This little fellow is really just chilling to the highest degree 😂 Totally understand that sort of mood; these recent hot days, often all I wanna do is just plop down on the concrete in our backyard and let the sun slowly but surely melt me like a candle 😆

    Whose lizard is it? 😁

    Oh, and it reminds me of something: our local tiny lizards love to climb to the top of our garden shed door to bask in the sunrays....especially when we leave them open to let some air into said shed.
    Trouble is, often we don't notice the lizard is sitting there, small as they are, and when we shut the door.....they get half-squashed!!! I always feel so bad! (Luckily it happens less now that we've noticed how much they like it up there!)
    Anyway, the curious thing is, the little body stays up on the door and slowly decomposes till there's a tiny skeleton hanging up there! ☠️
    Will send pics once I have more things to send in an email to ya 😁😁

    Hope you're drinking loads of water these days!! 😊😊

  26. Oh that would make me cry if I did that to a little lizard!!!
    That lizard was in some kind of museum with only small critters like that in it.. I think it was for children maybe? I don't remember, not even which state I was in. LOL

  27. Oh, Hervissa, did you keep the little skeleton?? I would have!!!

    1. I think I might have it somewhere, yes! I recall I found a blindworm (slow worm?) shed skin back then and had them both in a jar as a sort of a 'natural curio' thing, hah 😁 If I find it, will send a pic your way 😊

  28. I am feeling that lizard today! So tired lol -great photo!

    1. I think that's half my days anymore. lol He looks so relaxed and comfy though!

  29. I love lizards!! This guy is a paragon of chill vibes. We should all learn from him lol!

  30. Yes he is!!! LOL I imagine him looking at someone there saying..."Dont' bother me.. go away"

  31. Hello Granny Skyrim I really enjoyed your video and I hope you are enjoying your day today
