Saturday, July 8, 2023

Two Beautiful Creatures

 Good morning grandkids!!

About time for me to make another Blog!!  I chose these two pictures to show you because I think they are unusually beautiful!!

This first one is so lovely because it isn't the usual green and pretty colors of a Peacock...  it's  totally WHITE!!!

Maybe he is pretending to be a ghost...  Maybe he's trying to scare another peacock...  Maybe someone threw out some white paint and it all landed on him...

I'm wondering if that is natural for him or if he is an albino, and mostly lacking in color.   Anyway,  I think he is gorgeous!!! 

This next picture is of a Spiney Flower Mantis!!

Here is another white creature that usually is brown or green and skinny and plain.   But look at this!!!  He's gorgeous!!!

Those circles on the two wings are to look like big eyes, to make predator's think he is a bigger creature than he is,  and they will leave him alone!  :)

Now,  he's all white and looks like the peacock, only this praying mantis got a little bit more color.  But he's just so fluffy and gorgeous!  He doesn't look like any of the other mantis's I've ever seen!!

I just had to show you these two unusual, white beauties!!

Hope you enjoy seeing them...

                              I certainly do......

See ya!!!!


  1. Albino animals are quite beautiful, seeing as white is a somewhat rare colour in nature

    1. Yes, they are always stunning to me!!!

    2. They are FANTASTIC creatures

    3. Thank you 'Anonymous' whomever you are!

  2. These are so beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing them with me! I love how even the odd-ones-out in nature are still gorgeous! What's your favorite animal?

    1. lol! The biggest dog there is!!! I still want to see a name here!!! Or, this could be several different people but when I see Anonymous lately, I'm thinking it's the same person.

    2. Oh, sorry!! My name is eogan., I'm not sure how to change the submission name after I've submitted. I'll make sure to comment with an account name from now on :)

    3. Thank you so much!!! I will appreciate that!!! :) I always like to know whose talking to me and whom I am talking to! :)

  3. Wow those are beautiful and unusual! I've never seen a Praying Mantis like that. We have green ones and very pale beige ones here in Tucson, but nothing like that. I have seen a Peacock that was white once before in the Zoo in NYC's Central Park years ago when I lived there.
    In answer to your question from the YouTube Post wondering if we get notified when you post on Blogspot. The only time I get notified from BlogSpot is if I have subscribed to a single Post. It says Notify me on the bottom corner of the post here and if I do, I will get an email every time someone posts to this specific post. I do not see where I can Subscribe to you specifically.
    I do appreciate your YouTube notification when you post a blog, and tell us about your day. So, I know to check it out! Have a wonderful weekend I hope you get your PC straightened out soon.

    1. I'm glad you like these beauriful creatures! Thank you for telling me about how to comment on my Blog. That doesn't sound very helpful to people! So, I will try to remember always to post a video telling everyone that I posted a BLOG. Thank you!!!

  4. Wow these are so beautiful!! I wonder what country they are from, ive never seen a mantis that colour, they're always some sorta green or brown. I wonder if them being so white gives them a disadvantage in the wild since they stick out so much...

  5. With those big dots that look like eyes, I think the answer to your question is .. no. They would scare their sized predators away! I've only seen the skinny green and brown ones too.

  6. Ahh, what a beauties! Very rare! The peacock most likely is a leucistic Indian peafowl (not albino I think because eyes are not red). The mantis is gorgeous and as though smiling benevolently :)

    1. All I know about albinos is very little!! LOL Thanks for the info!!! But those two creatures are gorgeous though!! lol

  7. Good morning Grandma. They are really both very pretty, and I have never seen either of these creatures in white. Well in real life I never seen either, but even in pictures I think this is the first time I see them. Gorgeous!

    1. Thank you Izzy!! I've never seen either in real life either so they struck me as gorgeous!!! I'd love to see one for real!!! :)

  8. These white animals used to scare me when I was younger then I started going outside more and I got used to them, Grandma.

  9. You're kidding?! I think they are too gorgeous to be scary, even to a small kid! You make me laugh Rencie! :)

    1. I don't see your email on YouTube or your blogspot profile but I have a clip of me singing and a drawing

  10. Thank you so much for sharing! I had no Idea a white peacock even existed, as I thought it was a show off animal about colors! so this has absolutely amazed me!, and the spiney flower Mantis! wow, Nature is truly amazing. You know what I love about Nature? how it's unpredictable, it goes the way its intended, and certain things like how a caterpillar becomes a butterfly, can really feel like magic sometimes. :) thank you so much for the post Shirley, take care and sending you lots of love.

  11. Nature is wonderful, and really can be surprising at times!! I'm so glad you enjoyed the pictures.

  12. Fun fact peacocks are actually called peafowl peafowl is the whole species a female peafowl/ peacock is called a peahen and a male peacock/peafowl is called peacock

    1. Hey, that was really interesting!! I seem to be prone to just listing things under one common word I guess. Thanks!

  13. If we could share photos in the comments I'd post one of a blackbird in our garden. It had many white feathers, it was partially leucistic which is quite a rare mutation. It was really beautiful.

    1. That sounds wonderful and I'd love to see it. You could send it to my email, which is easily found, in my Profile info on my YT channel.

  14. Gorgeous creatures indeed! 😮😊
    As someone already pointed out, the peacock probably isn't a proper albino, seeing as its eyes aren't red, but that makes it no less stunning -- peacocks are eye-catching enough as it is, this one is sure to draw even more attention to itself 😁😁
    (Hah, there are some regular peacocks near where I live and though they are majestic when walking around, they sound like a chicken after a rock music concert when they open their beaks 😆)
    And the mantis!! Wow!!!
    Yes, it's indeed awesome to realize how many wonderful designs nature has. I especially love watching sir David Attenborough's work as he is still, at 97(?) years of age, filled to the brim with almost childlike wonder and joy regarding our beautiful planet 💚

    Oh! Speaking of insects: yesterday a bumblebee landed on my finger! 😊Stayed only for a little while, but it was such a delightful and fuzzy friend to have, all the same 🐝

    Have a wonderful day!

    1. Thank you for your wonderful comment, as they all always are!!! I'm glad you enjoyed that bumblebee!! When I would go gold panning they would sit on my knees and buzz up and down to my feet and back, and were never a bother, just fun to watch.

  15. Commissioner BaguetteJuly 9, 2023 at 3:28 AM

    What a beautiful pair of creatures! Most insects usually make me uneasy but that one just looks so beautiful and friendly, it looks like he's painted those eyes on himself with a little paintbrush 😂 I've never seen a peacock that looks like like that before, it's absolutely gorgeous! They are really lovely looking animals, seeing them spread out never gets old, it almost looks like he's been standing out in the snow and gotten covered. It's fascinating the way that different animals behave and defend themselves, I love that there's a whole other kingdom of life sharing the planet with us. Thanks for sharing Grandma Shirley! I hope you have a very splendid day! ♥️

    1. Thank you so much for such a wonderful reply!! I enjoyed that very much!!!! :)

  16. Hahaha, adorei as teorias sobre o pavão. Sim, realmente são deslumbrantes. Não sei se ele pertence a uma espécie específica, ou se é um tipo de mutação, mas o louva-deus certamente não deve pertencer a uma espécie branca, dada a vantagem que eles têm se camuflando em suas cores marrom e verde. É um belíssimo inseto mesmo. Sempre os vejo com uma mistura de terror e beleza. 🦚🦗❤️

  17. Funny enough I've always wanted to own a spiny flower mantis! Very beautiful creatures! Currently I raised an Eastern Hercules Beetle from a little grub to an adult beetle! She is very beautiful! ((But I've shown my mom and she is scared and grossed out haha))

    1. That sounds really cool, Kat!! I wish I could see it!!!

    2. I wish I was able to attach photos to show you! If you google an Eastern Hercules Beetle that is what she looks like 💜

    3. You can always send me a note or picture to my email Lots of people do.

    4. Okay, I googled it! It's very cool!! I liked the picture of the yellow one with the black speckles, but I really liked the intenseness of the Black and deep red, or wine one!!!

    5. I tried to send you an email but it said your email was incorrect? Maybe you misspelled it or gmail isnt working haha Thought I should let you know :)

    6. LOL!! Sorry!! I left off some of it!!!! it is:

  18. Hello, Grandma!
    What two beautiful and unique animals! I personally love that spiny flower mantis. It's so beautiful and the spots on the wings really do look like eyes.. I wonder if it scared away preditors?

    1. I'm sure that is what he was blessed with them for, to scare away preditors. They certainly look like they would!! :)

  19. Absolutely beautiful animals Grandma! I'm sorry it took me so long to see this blog because I have been so sick. The flu season for us has been very bad this year. Luckily I'm finally on the mend! for a little while I was nearly as pale as that poor old peacock lol!

    1. I'm so sorry you've been so sick!!!! Very glad that you are better now!! The flu can get really bad!! I'm glad you finally got to see these two beautiful creatures!! :)

  20. Very beautiful creatures indeed! I remember seeing a wonderful white peacock when I was visiting Lago Maggiore (Lake Maggiore) in which there is or there are (I don’t remember the extract number or if it is only one and big) islands. There is a wonderful palace still owned by some princes or nobles I believe but they are never there and so it’s open for tourists. The park is so big and the animals in it beautiful. Cheers from Italy!

  21. Hi. It's hard to talk with someone on a Blog with no name

  22. Hi Grandma! I have been working on my pc yet again! I feel like the older it gets the more I have to fix! I hope your game is all sorted out soon! I cannot tell you how many times I have had similar things happen, it's a big drag...

    The Peacock or Peafowl is stunning! It is such an unusual creature to begin with and this white one is a real beauty! I just read that albino or leucistic are about one in 30,000 with the albinos being the rarest. Isn't nature incredible?!

    That Spiney Flower Mantis is so cool looking! They are super camouflaged so as to look like a flower, then some unsuspecting bug will come along to get some nectar only to be attacked by these guys, wow! Nature is beautiful but deadly!

    Thanks for sharing these creatures with us, I hope you have a great rest of your day!! xoxo Chris <3

    1. Thank you so much for your wonderful reply!! Yes, I think these two creatures are so gorgeous!!!

  23. Thank you, Grandma!👍💜:D

  24. Hi grandma,

    Lorena reporting here! I'm a bit late to the party, I just saw your most recent vlog AND now blog entry (yes, you might have guessed right. Brutal week at work. Life busy).

    I'm curious about the animals, are they albino for sure or just some sort of sub-species? The peacock does look albino - and I agree he's gorgeous - but the mantis has some colour in it.

    I've looked it up and some of the same species have more colour, so this one is particularly white.

    I got curious and started looking up albinism in other animals, some of them look amazing! Like lions and tigers. Others look more intimidating than their "original" versions, like spiders (why is it always spiders?!) and snakes. I do happen to like snakes though, I'd wear an albino snake as a scarf if I could. I'm surprised no trendy brand has done it, it sounds like a Balenciaga thing to do, though I understand the concern behind wearing a living pet as an accessory and animal cruelty. Snakes in particular are cold-blooded animals so it wouldn't be smart to take one of those poor things out for a walk when it's freezing outside.

    Ah, I lost my train of thought for a bit there. Going back to animals, I've always found fascinating how in nature males tend to be absolutely gorgeous or have a gift for certain things, they're either pretty, sing, dance, show their strength...and it's mostly all to attract females.

    Human courtship is definitely a completely different thing! Though I have to admit I *might* tend notice guys who can sing or dance :'D but that's only because I'm terrible at those myself!

    As usual, very interesting entry!

    1. Thank you for such a fun comment to read this morning.. I needed something fun!

  25. Oh wow! Those are gorgeous, I have never seen a praying mantis like that. It so interesting, with the different shapes, and the bits of color.

    1. I never have either!!! .. I've only seen the skinny brown or green ones!! :)

  26. I love you so much and watching all your videos brings a smile to my face everyday 💕

    1. Who are you? I wish people would sign a name when they talk to me!!

  27. I have never seen anything a fully white peacock before, thank you for sharing Shirley. I didnt even know they existed! He really is gorgeous.

    1. Thank you for enjoy the pictures! They are pretty cool!!! :)

  28. The eyes on that mantis are very cool, I wonder what it would look like if under a black light it would shine very bright

    1. Ohhh.. that would be interesting to find out!!!

  29. i love the picture, not sure why but it’s very calming

    1. i also love the videos, it’s great to watch after a long day

    2. Thank you very much Andrew! I hope most ot the picture I post will be calming.
      As for the videos, after a long day.. I hope they will feel calming, and fun, ... but in some places, mysterious and battle-raging.
      I try!.. LOL

  30. Absolutely love these beautiful creatures!! Have you ever seen an orchid mantis? I think those things are otherworldly beautiful. Nature's bizarre!

    1. Hi Maverick! No, haven't ever seen an orchid mantis. I also think nature is bizarre and lovely!!! When most praying mantises look like green or brown sticks, if you see one of these lovelies it is sort of like 'shock and awe' lol

  31. So cool thanks for sharing Grandma! I was visiting Butternut Farms Wildcat Sanctuary on Sunday (In Johnstown, OH) and the elderly gentleman who has taken care of the cats for a long time was telling us about the albino squirrel he looked after for a while. He named her Snowflake! He said he's cared for cougars, bobcats, wolves, a fox, Siberian lynx, and even a tiger there! We got to see some of the bobcats :D He fed them while we were there too: raw chicken, beef, and some canned rabbit food!

    1. Oh wow! I'll bet that was a lot of fun!! Was he actually inside the fence WITH them when he fed them?!

    2. Yes! He went in. He's like 80 some years old now and he's not afraid. He's been doing this for at least 20 years now I think & working with animals in general much longer than that! I don't think he went in the tiger's cage, but when I visited, he did go inside the bobcat's cage! I can email you some pics if you want to see! <3

    3. Oh wow!! I'd love to see some pictures!! If you can put them here go for it!!! If not post them in my email. :)

  32. I was just thinking today that I hadn't seen you in the store in a while and later someone came in and had me print a picture for them of a white peacock and it reminded me of you again. Hope you are doing well and see you soon.

  33. Thank you for talking to me here! And I'm so glad because I have been in several times and haven't seen you!!! I was afraid you had quit!!!!
    I think albino type creatures are so beautiful!!! But I guess that praying manis isn't an albino because it does have some color on it! lol I'm just use to seeing green or brown "sticks" lol

  34. I really love some of the majesty that can be found in nature, at times it can seem few and far between but recently I've focused heavily on it and I feel so much more attuned with the world around me and its abundant beauty. Thanks for sharing this amazing example with us all!

  35. Thank you for such a lovely comment! I can get joy from nature just by picking one flower.. even a weed.. and examining it minutely.. Nature is amazing and beautiful, the closer you get. :)

  36. Wow! Those are some beautiful animals Grandma! I love albino animals since they're very pretty to me! Well I wish to write more but I have to go since its late now and I have to sleep, take care grandma :)

  37. I'm glad you got to see them before you went to sleep! Maybe you had some beautiful dreams! :)

  38. Nature is beautiful! And when an animal of unique colouring comes along, it makes them extra beautiful. :) I wish more people thought this way about people too. People thar are albino, have vitiligo etc. I get that some of these might come with issues too, such as more vulnerability to sun exposure, but people just look so beautiful.

  39. I agree with with you. I think they are beautiful. There's a family at church with two young boys, about 4 and 6, who have totally white, beautiful hair.. but yet the rest of their body isn't albino!! I wish I had their hair!!

    1. You do have awesome hair though! Especially when you keep it a bit rough and "spiky".
      I wish I had thicker hair so I had more options with it. :(

  40. Jema, my hair is terribly thin though!! I can see my pink scalp in lots of places in back. Maybe I'll show you a back view. :)
