Friday, October 20, 2023

Once Again I Grace This Blog

 I know,  it has been too long... again! But, I'm here now, so please don't be tired of waiting.

Today I want to show you something new that I bought. I think that the ones who come here to talk to me are mostly my regulars from my YouTube channel. So those of you will probably realize that I'm a Christian...  I've said a few things on there once in awhile.  

So,  to anyone interested,  I wanted to show you the coolest Bible that I bought recently.  I will show you a picture first before I say anything else:

I'm not promoting the person whose name is on here.. it is a study Bible and was put together by this person.

But what I'm intrigued with is how much this helps in understanding, if you are studying,  even if you just happen to want to study one particular Book within the Bible, or one particular idea. 

The reason I became so fascinated with this particular study Bible is how much clearer it is making the Book of Revelation.  I have tried studying through this Book before and it seemed to be more "mind boggling" than anything else,  for me.  I couldn't keep it in any kind of 'order'.

In this study Book, he has added labels at the beginning of the chapters AND even through a lot of the chapters, he has broken it down and added labels or headings.  It's made it SOOOO much easier.  

I'll show you a couple of examples of the helps he added on so many of the pages:

On this page look at the helps where he sort of explains,  and just under the Scripture look at all the Scripture references to look up!! Some pages have twice that many!!

Here, the next two shows explanations,  just some thoughts aside, etc.

If I was studying any kind of a history book,  about anything,  I would love it if it was presented like this, filled with notes,  thoughts, explanations  and so much more.

I was so happy with this that I just thought I'd show it for anyone who might have been looking for something like this to actually 'help' in a Bible study.

Well,  just wanted to show this off for anyone who may have been look,  and to say  Hi!! to everyone again,   let you know I'm still here!  LOL

Don't know what I'll find to talk about next time,  but I'll try not to let it be so long!!  :)



  1. Hey Grandma, this is a wonderful Bible study book! I'd love to have one myself as I've struggled with revelations myself, It can get VERY confusing lol. I will definitely look into this!

    If you're willing, I'd love to ask you if you ever struggle with what the Bible teaches vs what your local Church teaches. I've found myself grappling with what could at best be called 'inconsistencies' with what the church teaches and what the Bible teaches. I've often found my church reads the Bible in a way which clouds the truth. The best example I could list is Sodom and Gomorrah, where the church uses it as proof for the persecution and condemnation of Gay people, which I believe the Bible does not state that at all.

    In any case, I was just wondering if you've ever had experiences like that as well? Thankyou for making a blog about this book, I will definitely have a look at getting myself a copy!

    1. I like the ESV Study Bible myself. I use it for my study times but I do my daily readings from The Message. The Message is a paraphrase and I like to get a different "language" for some of the tough passages to gain some clarity.

      I agree that some churches (and people) do pick and choose what passages to use to make their particular beliefs seem correct. My personal rule of thumb is to see if the core teachings of the church match the core teachings of the Bible and go from there. If they don't match, it's time to part ways.

      I spent over 20 years working in a Christian retail store and I had all types of believers as customers. By far most of them were fantastic people and I am proud to have served them for many years. But there were some that were just so trapped in legalism that all you could do was pray for them. I remember when the company I worked for started opening on Sundays. The very first one I had a legalistic regular come in to express her angst that we were open while she was carrying a bunch of shopping bags from other stores. She couldn't see the hypocrisy of it being OK for other stores to be open (and employees working) for her to shop while we should not.

      PS. Shirley, did you get any of the ice cream after it came in? I noticed that my stock levels of your flavor dropped quickly...

    2. Wow! Its so interesting to hear a perspective from someone who's worked in a Christian store for 20 years. Thanks for you're response! Due simply to the abundance of it, I mainly read from the NIV Bible, but I have dipped my toe into King James occasionally. Will have to check out ESV and The Message at some point though!

    3. Dear Oliver,
      Thank you for being here.
      When I went to different churches which taught other things, different from what the Bible says, I left that church! I am now going to a sourhern Baptist and I have not heard the preacher say anything that was not in the Bible. Read the Bible for yourself.. beginning to end.. especially the New Testament. Discussions with other Christians is a good thing, and even then, when differences occur you should both get into the Bible together, maybe, and look it up, figure it out together. At least you should, for yourself.
      Also, will you tell Brad, who commented to you to comment to me directly on here, like he did with you? He asked me a question but I can't answer it because there is no reply button under his post, since he posted to you. Thank you a bunch!!!

    4. Dear Oliver,
      I am so glad you are here.
      When I would go to a church.. to check out their teachings.. if they did not teach what was in the Bible, I left!! The Bible is what you need to look for in a Church.. NOT their OWN teachings.
      The King James bible was a translation which King James.. of where, England, I believe?.. had put together long, long ago
      so it has a very old English construction with all the 'thees' and 'thous'. That was not what the books of the Bible were original written in. Now the NIV and others are another translation into more modern English so that we can more readily read it and understand it. They aren't to "change" anything in the Bible, but to make it readable to us now, in this day and age.
      I have read the Bible throughout, many times, and selected a Book here and there which I wanted to study more in depth, and I am always receiving more and deeper understanding. That it is why it is called the 'living word'.
      I hope this helps you, in any way.
      Also .. another subject.
      A friend of mine, Brad, commented to you on here, but at the end he asked me a question...There is no 'reply' button at the end for me to answer him, since his comment was to you, and it is my channel. Will you please comment back and tell him he has to comment to me directly on here. Thanks you so much!!!

    5. Oliver... sorry I posted twice to you.. the first one wasn't showing up.. but it's okay. lol

    6. Shirley you are correct on the KJV it was commissioned by King James of England and the version of it that got the most requests by my customers was the 1611 version. It is not only full of ye olde english, it has the old spellings as well when there was no "j" in the alphabet, u's and v's were jumbled up and s was a weird shape. You really have to search for a "real" 1611 edition though.

      I think the Bible that Shirley shared pics of is the New King James Version. The thees and thous were removed and words and phrases that have lost their meaning have been updated. It's a good bridge version between the KJV and the newer translations.

      The ESV is similar to the NIV but it is more of a word for word translation from the original languages.

      Which ever one you read from just make sure it's one you can understand. The Word of God is not meant to be hidden in a book, but in a heart.

    7. That was a very sweet reply Brad!!! :)

  2. This is really cool grandma! Embarrassingly it's been a while since I've actually open a Bible and read from it but I would really love to get a Bible study book like this one day! Seems like this would definitely help me understand some passages easier and better!

  3. Hi Kat! I'm glad you read this. Yes, if you are uncertain about which rendition of the Bible to read I think this study Bible would be good for you, because this person who put this together adds so many 'helps' through out, and also added such a list of references to other verses about the same subject which also helps. Also all those verse references shows the consistency through out the Bible. Give it a try at least.

  4. I am so happy you are still posting and blogging. I found your videos about 5 years ago and would watch them with my youngest son. Thank you for sharing your heart and your wisdom. Revelation is a tough book to understand. You really have to pray and dig deep to get it's meaning. Your post has inspired me to pull out my Revelation study videos and and study Bible. Thank you for taking the time to share with us this resource. May God Bless You! - Nancy Ellen

  5. Dear Anonymous, thank you for leaving me a post here. Always a good idea to get the Bible out and study some. I have mine open on my desk and study supplies out, but do not take advantage of it as often as I'd like to!! :)

  6. Here is your requested post. 😉

  7. I found the blog. I read my Bible every day too, Grandma BTW

    1. Hello Rencie, that's good! I wish I'd do the same. Once I sit down and start, then I could spend the whole day!! I just have to keep myself from getting sidetracked on so many other things throughout the day!! :)

  8. Hey Grandma! You don't need to feel pressure about posting! Just do what you can when you can, no worries! 🥰 I was raised Catholic and I've always been afraid to read the book of revelation 😅😅 of course they read some of it in the gospels at church but I was always nervous to look it up and read it myself! I agree with you about having books broken down with notes.. it's so helpful. I was actually fortunate enough to have an awesome history teacher through high school, he was very passionate about history and he told it more like a story, and kind of in a silly way sometimes. It made it way more interesting! And of course I was adding my little doodles along they way in the margins haha. Whenever people asked to get a photocopy of my notes to help with a study guide, they got an illustrated version! 😂 Same with my religion notes, too! We had religion class every year

    1. Hi!! Thanks for your nice comment. Too many people feel like that, D ... sort of afraid to get into Rev. But If you are a Christian you shouldn't be afraid. Most of Revelation is for all the people left behind! :) This particular Study Bible helps so much in understanding WHAT is being said and TO WHOM it is being said. That's why I got so enthused with this particular book

    2. You're right Grandma, thank you!

  9. Hi Shirley! Great to see you on here again! :D
    This study bible has great interface design - if only all games could have the same! lol! Congratulations on a neat find!

    I'm christian too, but I'm not from the US so I don't know how my faith compares to yours. There are so many nuances to religion and culture from place to place (and person to person!). I'm very casual and liberal in my faith, so often I feel like talking to other christians feel like talking to someone from an entirely different religion! I guess I just believe there's a god, and I like to keep that faith between me and God, not joining any congregations.

    I haven't done bible studies myself, but it's great to hear you appreciate it! I hope this book will be a boon!

    Aaaanyway thanks for sharing! See you around!

  10. Thanks for coming by Jema!!! That's sort of what my oldest brother said to me when we were talking about religion one day.. long ago.. that he keeps it between him and God. There are so many different 'religions' because so many leaders of religions put their 'own' interpretation on things and teach it to their people. That's why I just stick with what the Bible actually says. Sometimes that is hard to understand on ones own.. that's why I really, really love this particular study bible. :)
    See you next time. Don't know what I'll talk about next! lol

  11. Whoa, I haven't been on here in a while! 😅
    The Bible looks interesting indeed, happy to hear you have such a well-written guide to help you look at the scripture from different angles 😌

    And yes, just as you say - explanations and examples improve any sort of text meant for learning!
    Only thing I wanna ask is....does this include a map? 😜😁😁
    (Just kidding - that's just something I love when any book has! 😊😊)

    Have a fine day!

    1. I really enjoy using this particular Bible a lot.. I have four Bibles.. and recently eliminated one because it was so old that it was literally falling apart! lol Yes, it has maps at the back, any Bible I have or have had does. :)

  12. Ooh this is nice! I think I’m gonna get me one of these too and I MIGHT let my husband borrow it lol

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed this Kate! :) Hey, Make him get one of his own. You should each have your own to make your own notes in etc. :)
