Wednesday, March 20, 2019

A Bear Encounter

On day in Skyrim I just wanted to wander the countryside and enjoy being outside. The weather was beautiful, it was spring in some of the lower edges of the mountains north of Riften,  and the flowers were blooming and the butterflies flitting. I had been crawling through a cave for hours and needed some fresh air and sunshine.  I was tired of killing things and bandits!

As I was nearing some large piles of rocks which had tumbled down the mountain side,  I started hearing distant growlings, and animal mutterings.  Not wanting to encounter anything I would have to battle I dropped into sneak and crept forward cautiously. As I got closer to the rocks, some as large as a house, I stopped to listen.  Soon the growlings turned into some intermittent roars,  and seemed much closer.

I backed away and duck behind another boulder and waited. But sensing, that what sounded like a bear,  wasn't going to go away, I inched forward and took a quick peek.  There, several yards away, was a magnificent golden bear!  These creatures can be quite breath-taking, they are so big and beautiful.  Well,  and frightening,  if encountered face to face!  I watched to see what he was trying to intimidate and saw a mage trying to attack him with ice-spikes. I didn't know, from this distance if this was a good mage or an evil one, so I really didn't know who I wanted to win, at this point.  But since this was the bears territory, and all he was doing was trying to warn the mage away,  I was leaning on the side of the bear.

The bear gave the mage every chance in the world to leave his territory.  I noticed they were quite close to a cave opening which was no doubt his habitat.  Finally the bear had been threatened enough and was losing his temper. He made a run at the mage, who ducked behind a rock. The bear kept going and rounded the rock and attacked. By that time the mage was running out of magic and had no defenses left. The bears jaws clamped down on the mage and soon it was all over.

I then notice the two tiny cubs which had emerged from the cave entrance. The bear waddled back to the cubs as the mother was peeking her head out of the entrance.  This golden bear would have made a beautiful winter cloak, I thought, but no, he has a family who needs him and he has done me no harm...and, he rid the world of another, no doubt, evil mage. 

The bear was aware I was near and looked over at me as if to say...are you next?  But we seemed to lock eyes, boldly, and there seemed to be an understanding pass between us.  He turned away, as I crept on passed, relishing the wonder and beauty of nature and of it's animals. They have families, just like we do. They need to hunt and provide, just like we do.

I went on my way, continuing my wanderings and enjoying life, beauty, and the world....

                                      .....I love Skyrim!!  How about you??


  1. Really liking these adventure stories in the Skyrim universe! :)
    I like the lesson at the end about the bear having a family as well

  2. Thank you Lola! Glad you're enjoying it! :)

  3. Yes, Nature is amazing and we need to not disrupt the Peace :) Thank you for the story :)

  4. I really loved it with all my heart. I've been following grandma Shirley for a while now, and didn't now you were writing! I'm a writer myself. I have written and edited my own books aver the years, and if you're planning to keep writing this, I would love to help out and translate all of this into spanish to let you publish both in english and spanish. You're already a part of Elder Scrolls 6, why not having a book about your experiences?

    Sorry for my english, not my first lenguage... Please let me know if you get this... We need more people like you in the world, contributing to its culture <3

  5. Though I had delivered the purchase agreement to Kleppr in Markarth quite a while back, I had yet to report back to Bolli in Riften – until now. Upon recounting my success, I was able to haggle with Bolli regarding payment, declining the proffered silver ingot and instead negotiating for his copy of ‘Kolb & the Dragon’ which of course is a popular choose-your-own adventure book for children. Tomorrow morning my intention is to donate the book to Honorhall Orphanage, where my friend Constance Michel is headmistress. No doubt the adventure story will be enjoyed by the children, as well as subtly teaching them about choices and consequences. Speaking of adventure, as soon as I settled into my rented room at The Bee and Barb after my dinner of tomato soup, alto wine, and of course a honey nut treat, I read the third entry in the diary. While I sit comfortably in a Riften inn, the diary’s author recounts a harrowing adventure in the mountains near Riften. As with the previous entries, the writer’s description brings the reader alongside the experience. The writer describes the ominous sound of the bear’s growls and roars, the desperate battle between the evil ice mage and the intimidating bear and its ultimate outcome, and finally the almost magical understanding which passed between the writer and the magnificent golden bear. Truly this writer has an affinity with the life and beauty of Skyrim and the gift of words to share this with others. I feel honored to have found this captivating diary and can’t wait to read more!

    1. Very good integrating.
      Both stories were good on their own.

  6. Finally I think things are working right! I couldn't post before. I like the way you incorporate our two stories. Pretty clever. You know Gail, you should make a blog like this of your own! I'd read it!! :)

  7. Shirley, I don't know if I would ever create my own blog, though I'm sure we will encounter one another again in Skyrim as I read more pages of your diary. I'm looking forward to the next entry! :)

    1. Thank you Gail... this thanks is a long time coming! LOL I don't get notifications for this and I only just looked back this far!! lol

  8. What a magnificent bear! I can always respect a dad trying to protect his family, very honorable. That good for nothing mage had it coming, I bet!

    1. Thanks reading. Yes, the mage did have it coming! I loved the respect that passed between us.

  9. Yes, Shirley, I love Skyrim too. We are kindred spirits as I am 83. I think we are rare gamers at our age. I'm so sorry that people have Said hard things to you. You do have a gift for writing so maybe you should try publishing these ina book. I read your stories and see the things you are writing about. Shake off the idiots that cannot understand.....

  10. Thank you David! Glad you enjoyed this. We aren't so rare. There are a lot of elderly gamers. Just not very many record, and those have told me that they don't because they don't want to face critical comments. A few finally tick me off, but mostly they are very nice. :)

  11. Ah yes, one should indeed head the warning of a bear. Its why I like the idea of any game filled with places you can just freely walk too and have an experience. I wonder, if the mage had just took the hint and wandered away, what experiences would they have had. That we will never know, but my mind can still play with the thought!

    I'm glad you showed me this blog, now I had to more stories of yours to enjoy.

    1. Thank you so much Izzy!! I'm so happy that you found me here and are enjoying things!! I'm glad I'm now seeing you in my other Blog posts!!! :)
