Friday, December 1, 2023

Just Some Cool Pictures!

 Good morning everyone!!

I was just sitting here drinking my coffee and eating some bread and jelly, wondering what I wanted to do first today after taking care of all my emails,  I decided to make another Blog! :)

I also didn't know what to do so I will show you some pictures I have.  Maybe next time I'll write a little short story.  Haven't done that in a while. Do any of you remember the 2 or 3 I wrote on here in the past?  Let me know if you did.  If you scroll down you will find them.

Okay, here are a few pictures:

This was a horse carving on a stump.. you can sit on the seat.. which my son and I found when we were out walking with Luigi,  his dog.  I didn't have my phone with me so he took this picture for me.  I hope you can enlarge it! It is so cool!!!

This next one is a picture I took when playing Skyrim. I don't remember if I took it to use as the cover or if I took it.. like I'm always taking picture as I play. lolDo any of you remember it?

This is a dead tree..  of course!.. in the midst of all the living ones.  You know me and how much I love dead trees!!  I wish I could take pictures of all the cool ones I see when out in a car!!  I love old, very crooked, spooky looking ones. There are lots out there!!

Here is one:

Oh man I hope you can enlarge this so you can see it's mouth and up higher it's eyes!  So cool!!! 

Well,  I guess that all for this time.  How about a little story next time??



  1. Very cool pictures! Especially the last one - like the tree is surprised - with its dropped jaw and wide open eyes with huge eyelashes :) and twisted trunk like it had jumped and half turned towards something :)

    1. Thank you! Glad you liked that one! I love those kinds of trees!!

  2. I wrote another comment earlier on my phone, but it looks like it didn't get posted. This is my second attempt. Sorry if it ends up posting both. I love the photos you posted. The Horse carved out of a Stump is Brilliant. I wish you were sitting in it in the photo. That would be fun! The Spidey picture in really cool.. all the colors.. so pretty. I love it! The last photo is Great if I say so myself. I took it just for you and sent it a little while back. It is a wonderful old tree on our Property in New Mexico. I call it The Halloween Tree, after an old Ray Bradbury Story I love. Thank you for Sharing it. It is still standing just as pictured a year later. I do hope it survives another winter. Thanks Shirley!

    1. PS This is LorettaM and that post above about me taking the photo on the last tree is from me. For some reason Blogger is putting it as Anonymous.

    2. Hi!! And you didn't leave your name!! I really dislike 'anonymous' posts lol I really love that picture you sent to me!! I love kinds of trees!!! Thank you.. whomever you are :)

    3. Hey Loretta! I love that tree and I had not remembered who sent it.

  3. I love these pics and especially the trees, Grandma.

  4. I love bread and jelly, and that last dead tree is so cool

    1. I love it too, any kind!!! :) I love that tree! The weirder the better!! LOL

  5. Hey Grandma, those are some wonderful photos! Dead solitary trees are so morbidly beautiful to me, especially when they are solitary like the third image! Very excited for another short story, your story about the dragon is a favourite. Will you do your next story related to Skyrim or will it be something completely different?

    1. Hi Oliver! Hey, can't tell you about the story yet, I haven't even thought of making up one yet. lol I'm the same, more morbid the more beautiful!! LOL

  6. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Another Anonymouse.. can't you sign your name? I don't know who you are!!

  7. Great content as usual! Thank you for all of the good vibes :D

  8. Thank you!.. Another Anonymouse! Could you please sign your name next time. I don't know who you are. :)

  9. Wow those dead trees are really cool, I should have made that one in the drawing I sent you look more dead and gnarly! The horse one is really cool too. I'm more of a sketch artist than a sculptor so I'm always impressed with stuff like that! Although I will say I've started dabbling in some "sculpting" if I can call it that the past couple years, just on a tiny scale :) and I love that spider pic too! I remember you taking a few of those! I don't remember noticing such vibrant colors in the spiders, wow. I was able to enlarge them to get a good look!

  10. Hi!! Hey, the spiders were that color in the game! Thank you for your comment!!! :)

  11. Gorgeous pictures! Love ya :)

    1. My name is Andrew, I’ll include my name the next time I comment for ya! <3

    2. Thank you Andrew! I'll appreciate that!! :)

  12. Hey Shirley: I just saw this today. Those are awesome pictures, especially the one with the eyes and mouth. Looks like it turned around and something absolutely terrified it. Can you imagine the time it took to carve that horse seat?! It must have taken forever!

    We went out of town today, and on the drive down to WV they had some trees that still retained their leaves, and were among all the trees that were leafless. It was eerily haunting - and not helped by the overcast skies. Strangely beautiful, I thought.

    Hope you are doing well, and will email soon. Love to you from Mirage and Barry

    1. Hi my friends!! Sorry I take so long. I've been busier (sp) getting ready to start gaming again instead of resting and enjoying other things! lol Everything you described with that tree sounds just like something I'd love!! Great description!!! I love weird trees or strange scenes! :) Thank you for being here on my Blog!!

  13. Hey Shirley! Wow that dead tree is spooky. It reminds me of spooky animated movies like Monster House. I also wanted to mention that I am loving your book videos. I listen to them while I game or do homework. Hope you're doing well!

  14. Thank you Bernie!! Glad you liked the pictures and am also glad that you are enjoying the reading of my book as I write it. :)

  15. Oh, these are some mighty fine pictures! 🤩

    I absolutely love wood-carvings like that - in an ideal world, every bench would be unique and decorated with cool shapes 😁😁
    Luigi should have his own low seat shaped like a dog...or a wolf...or shaped like a throne fit for the little prince he is! 😊😊😁

    Ha, that Skyrim picture with the bug-nymphs is quite cool! Looks like the cover picture of a music album!
    "Inigo and the Buggies", they could be called 😁😁😁

    And the dead trees!
    You have a great eye for those - the second one especially seems so alive! Indeed, there's a whole face hidden in that bark! 😁
    I always think of you when seeing an interesting, gnarly tree-corpse; I really should start taking pictures of those so I could send them your way, hahah 😜😁

    And I do remember the short stories you wrote on here! A nice read, they were 😊😊

    Out of my window, I can see a castle that's standing in the middle of the city - tonight it's a bit foggy and the castle looks so mysterious, like vampires and other nocturnal folk live there! 👻

    Hope you're having a great day! 😊

    1. Oh my, Hervissa!!!! I loved every sentence of you comment!! Thank you so much!!!
      I loved what you said about Luigi!!! He is my little prince!!
      I love those bugs in Skyrim!!
      I wish that every time I started a new story I didn't have to hunt for them or accidentally run across them!
      I would love to see the pictures of the coolest, gnarliest trees you find!!!
      I'm glad you enjoyed the short stories here! I will try to come up with another one .. soon!
      Your descriptive picture of the castle you see sounds really cool!! You should of taken a picture of that also!! :)
      Thank you again, so much, for your wonderful comments!!

  16. Now I want bread and jelly! :) Very cool photos! I love carved wood, in Nashville, Indiana there is a place with a lot of carved animals and there are hand made chairs all over the place. I love going there and it's got such beautiful forests all around it on the way.
    The dead tree photo looks more like a sunny spring day instead of these clouds lately! That last one is soo cool! Love the expression it is making :) Thanks for sharing!

  17. Thank you for such a fun and nice comment Olivia. I thought finding the 'horsehead' stump/chair was fun. Oh, and I love finding dead, trees like that one!! lol
